Author: Paul McFadden

‘What if the best days are ahead of us?’ Bishop Andrew asks Synod

Almost 200 delegates attended this year’s Derry and Raphoe Diocesan Synod at the Everglades Hotel in Londonderry (on Wednesday 25th October, 2023). Synod members approved a request to Diocesan Council to set up a commission to “prayerfully conduct a strategic review” of the diocese. The motion, which was proposed and seconded by the two Archdeacons in the name of the Honorary Secretaries, was endorsed without objection.

The day began with a Service of Holy Communion. Bishop Andrew Forster described the sharing of the bread and wine as “the most important part of today”.

In a brief homily, the Bishop shared three nautical images which he asked the congregation to bear in mind: the Church as a lifeboat for those who needed rescuing in the storms of life; as a lighthouse, sharing Christ’s light, and helping people to find their way through the difficult moments in life; and as a ferry – big enough, and with doors wide enough – to welcome all, accept all and bring all into the fellowship of the Church.

When the synod got down to business, a presentation was made to Ms Caroline Dickson, to mark her retirement after 40 years as Diocesan Architect.

In his presidential address, Bishop Andrew reminded delegates that this year’s Synod was taking place against the backdrop of a world in considerable turmoil. He said the events which had unfolded in Israel and Gaza since the dreadful terrorist attacks on October 7th had been “quite simply horrific”. The harrowing news reports from the region and the rapidly rising toll of dead and injured led us to turn to God both in lament and in intercession.

“We pray for an early end to the conflict,” Bishop Andrew said, “for the safe release of all the hostages, for relief for those in need, for peace and comfort for the bereaved and broken-hearted, and for a just and lasting peace for the region.”

Bishop Andrew said the terrible conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world put our own challenges into perspective. “Yet,” he said, “we continue to pray for a restoration of effective government here in Northern Ireland because we need it. And we pray for those who continue to suffer because of The Troubles, those in this room who continue to suffer because of the legacy of the Troubles, and we pray that this country will find God’s peace and we’ll know his peace in our hearts.”

It was easy to become dispirited, the Bishop said. “In addition to the conflicts I’ve mentioned [in the Middle East, Ukraine, South Sudan and Yemen], we wrestle with enormous challenges such as poverty and homelessness, domestic violence, migration, famine, climate change – it can be overwhelming. But we are people of hope, people who seek to be faith-filled, hope-filled and love-filled.”

We would only be human, Bishop Andrew said, if we thought that the best days of the church were all behind us. “But what if they’re not? What if the best days of the church aren’t just behind us? It’s our church, of course, but first and foremost it’s His church, and Jesus says, ‘I will build my church.’ What if the best days are ahead of us and God is calling each of us to play our part in building His church?

“Sometimes our own context and circumstances may make that seem unlikely or unrealistic or unachievable – I get that,” the Bishop said, “but we are people of faith, and we believe faith changes things. The church might – not might, it will – the church will look very different to how it used to look; it looks different now from how it used to look; but if we were to ‘dream a dream’, to ‘have a vision’ as the prophet Joel puts it, what might it look like? What if we say the best days are ahead?

You can read the full text of Bishop Andrew’s Presidential Address to the 2023 Derry and Raphoe Diocesan Synod below.


‘It‘s one of the main responsibilities of every diocesan synod to act effectively as an annual general meeting of the diocese, and that means that today we will receive reports from various committees and councils about the important work that they do and, this being a triennial year, we will elect members to serve on our different boards and to fulfil wider representative roles within the diocese and the Church of Ireland.

‘All of this business is important, indeed it’s vital for ensuring the smooth running of the diocese in its task of supporting parishes and ministry from Coleraine to Ballyshannon, and Dunfanaghy to Maghera. And yet, our time together today is much more than an annual general meeting. I regard it more as a family gathering, a family reunion.

‘We gather from every corner of our large and diverse diocese – from city, town and village; from countryside, mountainside and seashore; from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland; from Counties Donegal, Londonderry and Tyrone. In some ways we are a very disparate group of people, but these differences are a tremendous strength. Like the various strands which become stronger when they’re intertwined to make rope, we treasure our unity in the family of God in general and in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe in particular.

‘Now when families come together, just like this family, of course they share their joys and their challenges, their hopes and their frustrations. They spend time together, enjoying each other’s company and learning from each other. And I hope and pray that today’s synod will have the feel of a family gathering.

‘I love that verse from Micah Chapter 6 which exhorts us all to “walk humbly” with our God. To walk humbly means we’re open to learning and to hearing, and in all humility, as we meet as a Synod, it’s important to be open to learning from each other, from other traditions and denominations. At equivalent meetings in the Methodist Church, with whom we are, of course, joined in covenant, discussions are often framed under the tile, “A conversation on the work of God’.”

‘I like that description, because ultimately the work of God and our commitment to that work are at the heart of all of our discussions and deliberations today. We share the joy and the privilege and the responsibility of partnering with God in the great work of building his kingdom. And today we’ll have conversations about the work of God in our own contexts and in the wider context of the diocese. As we’re called to that great work of building his Kingdom, I think it’s summed up beautifully in those famous words of Teresa of Avila:

‘Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are his body.

‘Today – both formally in our proceedings, and informally around our tables and over lunch – let’s have conversations on the work of God in our parishes and in our own lives.

‘Now, as I travel round the diocese, week by week and Sunday by Sunday, I’m always struck by two things in particular: welcome and faithfulness. Without exception (well, without exception so far), I’ve been made to feel very welcome wherever I’ve gone and whenever I’ve come to be among you. Welcome, which is one of the ways we show hospitality, is hugely important in the mission of the church and, in my experience, we are people of warm welcome.

‘I also see a depth of faithfulness – faithfulness to your local parishes which is born out of a deep love of God and his church. This is exemplified in the hard work of clergy and countless volunteers not simply to keep the show on the road, but to ensure that the church is a blessing to parishioners and to the community at large. I want to thank you for your welcome and your faithfulness because we know that the challenges the church faces are great.

‘The tectonic plates of culture have shifted in all of our lifetimes. Most of us can still remember a time when the church was seen as important to society. Membership and attendance were the norm, there was a general acceptance of church in society.

We shifted, though, to a more ambivalent attitude, something along the lines of ‘Well, if it’s okay for you that’s fine but it’s not for me’. I think things shifted, yet again, from ambivalence to criticism (some of it very valid, it has to be said), and then to outright hostility as we sought to find our way through the cultural minefields of today. And I fear that things may be changing yet again, with hostility giving way to a commonly held belief that we are irrelevant and no longer merit much attention.

From acceptance to ambivalence to hostility to irrelevance.

‘That’s a remarkable and, let’s be honest, a painful evolution. Now, I know it’s dangerous to speak in generalities, and our individual experiences might be quite different – and I fully acknowledge that – but I do know that this cultural shift has been and remains hugely challenging for all of us as we seek to build the kingdom, to bless our communities and be a blessing in the world.

‘Week by week, I do experience welcome and faithfulness but it’s also clear to me that a lot of the time we have a sense that things are not how they used to be. Cultural change, falling congregations and the legacy of the Covid years have combined to make our aspiration to be a ‘Transforming community, radiating Christ’ more and more difficult. We’d only be human if we thought that the best days of the church were all behind us.

‘But what if they’re not? What if the best days of the church aren’t just behind us? It’s our church, of course, but first and foremost it’s His church, and Jesus says, ‘I will build my church.’ What if the best days are ahead of us and God is calling each of us to play our part in building his church?

‘Sometimes our own context and circumstances may make that seem unlikely or unrealistic or unachievable – I get that – but we are people of faith, and we believe faith changes things. The church might – not might, it will – the church will look very different to how it used to look; it look different now from how it used to look; but if we were to ‘dream a dream’, to ‘have a vision’ as the prophet Joel puts it, what might it look like? What if we say the best days are ahead?

‘Recently, I’ve been thinking of three words St Paul used in 1 Corinthians 13 – the three pillars of what it means to be a follower of Jesus and to live in the fellowship of believers: faith, hope and love. Now surely we can build better and stronger into the future if we are more faith-filled, hope-filled and love-filled:

• Faith-filled: when our faith, our confidence in God is strong, when we’re faith-filled, a faith-filled believer and a faith-filled church can not only weather the storm but find renewed strength in the storm. You know, there’s not one person in this room whose faith has not been tested, yet as we seek to build our faith – which I believe happens through prayer, devotion to scripture, fellowship one with another – as we build our faith our church becomes stronger. Faith is the antidote to fear and to doubt. A faith-filled church is a stronger church. We’re here to build faith.

• Hope-filled: faith gives birth to hope, and doesn’t our world need hope today? Hope is the lived-out expression of our faith, which tells us that no matter what our circumstances are that we believe his kingdom will come. I’m so encouraged by the hope that parishes right across our diocese are giving to their communities – hope to those who are lonely and on the margins; hope to our young people and children; hope that shines as a light in the darkness; hope to those whom we love and care for, and those outside that care at the moment. A hope-filled church is a stronger church.

• Lastly, love-filled: ‘And now these three remain, faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love’, says Paul. Love for God and love for his world is the fuel for our discipleship and of the church’s mission. In Ephesians we read a beautiful phrase that talks about us “being rooted and grounded in love”. Being rooted tells us that we’re nourished and fed by God’s love, and being grounded implies the strong foundations and the stability that come from living in the love of God. Let’s be sure our churches are love-filled, because a love-filled church is a stronger church.

‘Let’s not think the good days are all behind us. Faith-filled, hope-filled, love-filled helps us build better into the future. The church may look different than it did in the past but that doesn’t mean our best days are behind us. One of the ways the Church of Ireland is seeking to respond to the challenges we face is through its newly formed Pioneering movement. When I say ‘newly formed’, I perhaps should qualify that by saying that pioneering has been in gestation mode for quite some time. The project was launched recently and pioneering has a very, very straightforward objective: to reach ‘those with little or no contact with church’.

‘Now, on the table here you can see this candle. This candle was presented to me, to the diocese. One’s been presented to every diocese – all eleven – across the church, by our National Director of Pioneering, Rev Rob Jones, who’ll be sharing a little bit later on. It reminds us of the light that we can bring into this world – the lighthouse – to reach those with little or no contact with church.

‘At first glance, that seems like a simple goal, doesn’t it, but in many ways it will require a radical rethink of how we live out our God-given ministry? The diocese, through the good work of the Finance and General Purposes Committee and the Diocesan Council, is exploring options as to how we can support and help parishes in mission initiatives and pioneering.

‘In this address, I’ve sought to bring our attention to both the challenges and the opportunities that we face. As the synod’s proceedings continue, and as we have our conversations about the work of God, we’ll hear about the tireless work that goes on in our diocese, work that seeks to build a more faith-filled, more hope-filled, more love-filled church. I want, in advance, to thank all of those who will present reports today and who serve on our various committees, and I hope that our proceedings will generate both discussion and debate.

‘I am mindful that our synod is taking place against the backdrop of a world in considerable turmoil. The events which have unfolded in Israel and Gaza since the dreadful terrorist attacks on October 7th have been quite simply horrific. The harrowing news reports from the region and the rapidly rising toll of dead and injured lead us to turn to God both in lament and in intercession. We pray for an early end to the conflict, for the safe release of all the hostages, for relief for those in need, for peace and comfort for the bereaved and broken-hearted, and for a just and lasting peace for the region.

‘As we pray for the peace of Jerusalem for Israel and Gaza, we remember, too, that war continues to rage in Ukraine, and in some of your parishes I meet Ukrainians who have found a spiritual home in your churches and I thank you for the welcome that you have given to these dear people. Last month, I happened to be in Rome for a series of meetings with the Church Leaders Group. One of the most moving parts of it was an afternoon meeting with a Council of Churches of South Sudan. I was sitting beside a Bishop from South Sudan and as we shared around the table, he said that in his 60 years of life he had never known peace in South Sudan – in 60 years of life! Think of the struggles there and in Yemen. In many ways, such terrible conflicts put our own challenges into perspective, but yet we continue to pray for a restoration of effective government here in Northern Ireland because we need it. And we pray for those who continue to suffer because of The Troubles, those in this room who continue to suffer because of the legacy of the Troubles, and we pray that this country will find God’s peace and we’ll know his peace in our hearts.

‘It’s easy, isn’t it, to become dispirited? In addition to the conflicts I’ve mentioned, we wrestle with enormous challenges such as poverty and homelessness, domestic violence, migration, famine, climate change – it can be overwhelming. But we are people of hope, people who seek to be faith-filled, hope-filled and love-filled. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells his disciples that whatever they did for one of the least of his brothers and sisters, they did it for him. Just remember that as we seek to serve. For us, his followers, every single encounter with our brothers and sisters is an opportunity; and every single one becomes an encounter for Christ and with Christ. Using our hands, our feet, our eyes, our bodies – being a ‘Transforming community, radiating Christ’ – we can make God’s love known in our parishes and in our communities and in the world.

‘It’s always appropriate to finish one of these addresses with a word or two of thanks. The organisation of this year’s synod has been particularly challenging due to upheaval in the diocesan office caused by an unwelcome outbreak of dry rot. If you have visited the office lately, you will have seen the level of disruption that that has brought over the last number of weeks. So I want, on your behalf, to give sincere thanks to our diocesan secretary, Gavin Harkin, who deserves special mention for having ensured everything was in order for today. I get the impression sometimes when I’m out around the diocese that people think the office in Derry is some big, burgeoning bureaucracy, that has all these people keeping everything going but there it is over there – sitting by himself at that table – and I know all of us appreciate Gavin’s work and support, particularly this year.

‘I also want to say that I would find the role of Bishop next to impossible to fulfil without the support, and wisdom and help of our two Archdeacons, Robert Miller and David Huss. My thanks to them is both genuine and heartfelt. I am in their debt, as is the whole diocese. Please show your appreciation.

‘I’d also want to thank my relatively new secretary, Joanne, and her predecessor, Sarah, for keeping me right and making sure I turn up at the right place, usually at the right time (if it’s not the right time it’s my fault) and that’s no mean feat, given different competing responsibilities between the roles of Bishop and also, at the moment, of President of the Irish Council of Churches and so on; Sarah and Joanne must have felt like jugglers at times, so thank you, Joanne, for all that you do.

‘Lastly, I want to thank all of you – the delegates to this year’s Diocesan Synod – for everything that you do, not just today but throughout the year for your parishes, the diocese and our Church. Thank you for being here today for this Derry and Raphoe family gathering, for helping to create the warm, welcoming atmosphere for which this diocese is famous, and for joining in the fellowship that makes this occasion so special. So, now let us proceed with the business of Synod and let us have our conversation on the work of God.’

‘Miraculous’ goings-on in Tobermore as new hall opens

The Rector of the Parish of Kilcronaghan, Rev Rosie Diffin, described Saturday 30th September, 2023 as “a day of joy and gratitude and hope” as the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, cut the ribbon to officially open the congregation’s new church hall in Tobermore.

The parishioners beamed with pride as they got their first glimpse of the building, whose restoration was only completed in the last few days.

The Rector paid an emotional tribute to her parishioners for their efforts to make their dream a reality. “You know, you’ve worked long and hard to get to this point – it’s over 20 years – and this building is a real credit to you as a parish. So, don’t rush home. Take time to go round and own it and see this beautiful new church hall that you now own.

“Only last Saturday, someone came and stood in that doorway back there,” the Rector said, “and they said to me, ‘Rosie, this is a miracle, this is a miracle.’

“You know, it really is a miracle. God has so richly blessed all that we’ve offered back to him. So, finally, after more than 20 years, we come to this, what really is a remarkable day in the life of our congregation – a day that is filled with joy and gratitude and hope as we gather here in this beautiful new church hall.

“In that reading, from 1 Chronicles 29, we have this record of a time when God’s people had presented their richest offerings to God for the building of the Temple in which they would worship God. And in verse 9 we read, ‘And then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord.’

“This parish has wholeheartedly offered freely to the Lord and so today we rejoice just as King David and the people of Israel rejoiced with their whole hearts over God’s willingness to accept our contribution to the building of His kingdom in this place.

“We stand here as those who know that outside of God’s blessing, this hall would never have come to be. God has blessed us, He has blessed us, and we’re grateful – we’re deeply grateful – as we look around this hall that has been built for the glory of God and for the furtherance of His kingdom.

“Each of you has contributed, along with many, many faithful members of this congregation who are no longer with us, and we remember them today with gratitude. We know just how much time and talent and resources it has taken to make this long-held dream a reality.

“We journeyed together through planning and re-planning, and re-planning, and at times it really did feel as though we were just like the Israelites who came to the edge of the promised land only to be led back into the wilderness.

“But then we grouped as God in His great goodness sent us [architect] John Simpson and he helped us to find a way forward, so that just nine short months ago, [builder] John McIntyre was contracted to build this beautiful hall for us.

“And I have to say, the way in which it came together was nothing short of a miracle. One moment the whole project seemed impossible, and the next we were clearing the hall ready for the building work to begin.

“God, who is the source of every blessing, has truly blessed Kilcronaghan Church.”

Bishop Andrew confessed that as recently as a fortnight ago he had doubted that the new hall would be opened on schedule, “so forgive me my lack of faith,” he said, “and well done all of you for working so hard to make sure this hall was finished. It is simply wonderful – it is absolutely wonderful.

“This says a lot about the family of God here in Kilcronaghan Parish and about your vision, and your commitment and your desire to serve.

“It says that you want to have a church and a parish that is filled with activity and I pray that this hall will be filled with activity, that it will be filled with young people and old people, that people will want to come to it, that the doors will be wide enough to welcome all, and that it will be a place where God’s kingdom is built up, the family of God blessed, and that people will come here and feel at home here.”

Bishop Andrew paid tribute to the long-term vision of the parishioners. “Isn’t it brilliant,” he said, “that we are sitting here this afternoon and there are babies in this hall? They will grow into children who will use this hall and into adults who will use this hall long after a lot of us have gone, and that says a lot about your vision, that you weren’t content just to have something for the here and now, but you want to build for the future – for generations that are to come. I want to say, ‘Well done,’ to that.”

The new hall was packed for the opening service. Hymns were sung by the parish’s ladies choir and its men’s choir, and afterwards the congregation enjoyed a celebratory cream tea.

The Rector and the Bishop then cut a substantial cake – baked and decorated specially for the occasion – and the cake was shared among the parishioners and visiting friends.

“A day of joy and gratitude and hope” as Kilcronaghan Parish’s new hall is opened

The Rector of the Parish of Kilcronaghan, Rev Rosie Diffin, described today as “a day of joy and gratitude and hope” as the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, cut the ribbon to officially open the congregation’s new church hall in Tobermore.

The parishioners beamed with pride as they got their first glimpse of the building, whose restoration was only completed in the last few days.

The Rector paid an emotional tribute to her parishioners for their efforts to make their dream a reality. “You know, you’ve worked long and hard to get to this point – it’s over 20 years – and this building is a real credit to you as a parish. So, don’t rush home. Take time to go round and own it and see this beautiful new church hall that you now own.

“Only last Saturday, someone came and stood in that doorway back there,” the Rector said, “and they said to me, ‘Rosie, this is a miracle, this is a miracle.’

“You know, it really is a miracle. God has so richly blessed all that we’ve offered back to him. So, finally, after more than 20 years, we come to this, what really is a remarkable day in the life of our congregation – a day that is filled with joy and gratitude and hope as we gather here in this beautiful new church hall.

“In that reading, from 1 Chronicles 29, we have this record of a time when God’s people had presented their richest offerings to God for the building of the Temple in which they would worship God. And in verse 9 we read, ‘And then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord.’

“This parish has wholeheartedly offered freely to the Lord and so today we rejoice just as King David and the people of Israel rejoiced with their whole hearts over God’s willingness to accept our contribution to the building of His kingdom in this place.

“We stand here as those who know that outside of God’s blessing, this hall would never have come to be. God has blessed us, He has blessed us, and we’re grateful – we’re deeply grateful – as we look around this hall that has been built for the glory of God and for the furtherance of His kingdom.

“Each of you has contributed, along with many, many faithful members of this congregation who are no longer with us, and we remember them today with gratitude. We know just how much time and talent and resources it has taken to make this long-held dream a reality.

“We journeyed together through planning and re-planning, and re-planning, and at times it really did feel as though we were just like the Israelites who came to the edge of the promised land only to be led back into the wilderness.

“But then we grouped as God in His great goodness sent us [architect] John Simpson and he helped us to find a way forward, so that just nine short months ago, [builder] John McIntyre was contracted to build this beautiful hall for us.

“And I have to say, the way in which it came together was nothing short of a miracle. One moment the whole project seemed impossible, and the next we were clearing the hall ready for the building work to begin.

“God, who is the source of every blessing, has truly blessed Kilcronaghan Church.”

Bishop Andrew confessed that as recently as a fortnight ago he had doubted that the new hall would be opened on schedule, “so forgive me my lack of faith,” he said, “and well done all of you for working so hard to make sure this hall was finished. It is simply wonderful – it is absolutely wonderful.

“This says a lot about the family of God here in Kilcronaghan Parish and about your vision, and your commitment and your desire to serve.

“It says that you want to have a church and a parish that is filled with activity and I pray that this hall will be filled with activity, that it will be filled with young people and old people, that people will want to come to it, that the doors will be wide enough to welcome all, and that it will be a place where God’s kingdom is built up, the family of God blessed, and that people will come here and feel at home here.”

Bishop Andrew paid tribute to the long-term vision of the parishioners. “Isn’t it brilliant,” he said, “that we are sitting here this afternoon and there are babies in this hall? They will grow into children who will use this hall and into adults who will use this hall long after a lot of us have gone, and that says a lot about your vision, that you weren’t content just to have something for the here and now, but you want to build for the future – for generations that are to come. I want to say, ‘Well done,’ to that.”

The new hall was packed for the opening service. Hymns were sung by the parish’s ladies choir and its men’s choir, and afterwards the congregation enjoyed a celebratory cream tea.

The Rector and the Bishop then cut a substantial cake – baked and decorated specially for the occasion – and the cake was shared among the parishioners and visiting friends.

Donegal Schools’ Service goes with a bang

The Diocese of Derry and Raphoe was well represented at the 2023 Donegal Schools’ Service in Ramelton Presbyterian Church on Tuesday 26th September. Hundreds of pupils from 29 schools throughout Donegal made their way to the church which has established itself as the home of the annual service.

Clergy from a number of Raphoe parishes were in attendance, along with Des West from the Raphoe Diocesan Board of Education, and the Diocesan Children’s and Youth Ministry Officers, Kirsty McCartney and Claire Hinchliffe.

The theme for this year’s service was ‘Connection’ and clergy from the different Protestant denominations in the county were welcomed by the Minister of Ramelton and Kilmacrennan, Rev Richard Tregaskis.

There was loud and energetic hymn-singing throughout the service. The address was delivered in three parts by the Rev John Montgomery from Donegal Methodist Church and the Moderator of the Derry and Donegal Presbytery, Rev Gordy McCracken. With readings from Luke’s Gospel telling the Parable of the Lost Son, they talked to their young congregation about the importance of ‘connection’ with God, reminding them that even when they became ‘disconnected’, God was happy to see them ‘reconnect’ with Him.

Bishop Andrew made the Call to Worship at the outset of the service and later led the congregation in reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

There was significant involvement by the young people, with representatives of each of the schools reading prayers during the service.

As usual, as the children filed out of the church at the end of the service, the took with them ‘goody bags’ for each of their schools.

History made as Raphoe Cathedral’s First Lady Dean is installed

The Very Rev Liz Fitzgerald has been installed as the first ever Lady Dean in the long and distinguished history of St Eunan’s Cathedral. The historic Service of Installation took place on Saturday evening, 23rd September 2023 – the Feast Day of St Eunan, after whom the cathedral church is named.

The Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, told a gathering after the service that the new Rector had been appointed Dean not because she was a woman but because she was the best candidate for the position.

The incumbent-elect was presented for institution as Rector of Raphoe, Raymochy and Clonleigh by the Archdeacon of Raphoe, Ven David Huss, who also preached the sermon.

The Archdeacon began by commiserating with the new Rector because he said it was the third occasion on which she had had to listen to him (he had been the preacher when she was made deacon in St Columba’s Church, Omagh in 2015 and again, six years ago, when she was introduced as Bishop’s Curate in the parishes of Gweedore, Carrickfinn and Templecrone.

Archdeacon Huss chose an extract from Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 28 v 19 – the Great Commission – as the theme of his sermon. In it, Jesus urges his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations.

“It is here,” the preacher said, “that our Lord Jesus Christ gives the church his parting words and our standing orders. He gives here a Great Project, ‘Make disciples’, and a Great Promise, ‘I am with you always.’

“If ever we are wondering ‘what are we supposed to be doing?’, the answer is here: make disciples. That is our task as the church.

“Not to maintain a building, or preserve an institution. Not to nurture an identity or to make waves politically. Not even to fill pews or balance books, to gain column inches in the paper or likes and shares online.

“All those things are good,” Archdeacon Huss said, “they have their place, but they are secondary to the great project – make disciples. That’s the imperative.”

Rev Fitzgerald’s husband, Sean, their son, John, and his partner, Eirinn Canning, were in the front pew listening to the sermon along with the new Rector.

“Perhaps some of you have a poor sense of direction (like me),” Archdeacon Huss suggested, “and when you’re driving to a new place you need to follow someone. Many’s the time I’ve been led to an unfamiliar house by someone who has said: ‘Look, I’ll meet you at such-and-such a place and then you can follow me.’

“And that works well unless you find like I have that going through busy traffic or after a junction you’re not quite sure if you’re still following the right car or someone else’s. It is worthwhile for each of us to pause and ask: who am I really following in my life?

“Am I trying to live up to the expectations of others: parents, neighbours, friends? Am I trying to chase success or popularity, pleasure or freedom? Or am I following Jesus Christ?

“That’s his call to all of us: ‘Follow me.’”

Archdeacon Huss said the first pillar of disciple-making was to administer the sacraments and the second was to teach the word of God.

“St Eunan, or Adomnán, whose feast is today, was among many other things a great teacher. He was Abbot of Iona and biographer of Columba, his relative and fellow-native of what we now call Donegal. The Annals of the Four Masters says this about him: ‘Adomnán, son of Ronan, Abbot of Iona, died on 23rd September, after having been 26 years in the abbacy, and after the 77th year of his age. Adomnán was a good man, according to the testimony of St Bede, for he was tearful, penitent, given to prayer, diligent, ascetic, and temperate… and moreover, he was wise and learned in the clear understanding of the holy scriptures of God.’

“Well, our learning may not reach the heights of Eunan, who has been called a great ‘sage of the western world’ and even ‘the founder of Scottish literature’. But surely he reminds us to place a high value on teaching and learning as foundational to our Christian task.

“We don’t make disciples by engineering or cunning or force,” the preacher said. “We use the methods God has given us: the celebration of the sacraments and the teaching of the word of God.

“That’s the great project for all of us: make disciples. Let that be the focus of this next period in the life of this cathedral and these parishes.

“But we finish with the great promise: ‘I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’

“What a promise. It’s the same thought as in Psalm 121 – we don’t go it alone: ‘The Lord is your keeper / the Lord is your shade at your right hand / my help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.’

“It’s why our whole ministry should be bathed in prayer, as Romans 12 reminds us: ‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.’ Because our ministry as Christians will be effective only by the power and presence of the Lord.

“Pray earnestly for the work of the Holy Spirit. Pray that his presence will go with us.”

Drawing his address to a close, Archdeacon Huss said: “What an exciting time in the kingdom of God and in the life of these parishes – which are not ours, but his. The Church for which he came and shed his precious blood to win for himself a people for all eternity.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Saturday’s Service of Installation was led by the Rural Dean and Diocesan Registrar, Rev Canon David Crooks. The Bishop’s Curate for the occasion was Rev Johnny Lowden, Curate in Glendermott and Newbuildings.

During the service, gratitude was expressed to Rev Canon John Deane and Diocesan Reader Peter Clampett who had led services during the vacancy which followed the departure of the previous Rector, Rev Arthur Barrett, to Glendalough.

A choir comprising members of different local churches led the hymn-singing, accompanied by Cathedral organist Renee Goudie.

After the service, the congregation made their way the short distance to the Cathedral Hall for refreshments and speeches.

Canon Crooks was applauded for preparing the liturgy for Saturday’s service (the new Dean thanked him for collecting her robes in England). Canon Crooks pointed out that the Bunbeg Group of Parishes – which Very Rev Fitzgerald had left after six years – had now produced its fourth Dean of Raphoe. Bishop Andrew told the gathering that the guest of honour was now the only female Dean in the Church of Ireland Province of Armagh.

Rev Andrew Neill ordained in Limavady

A late summer deluge – with rolling thunder – failed to dampen the mood in Christ Church, Limavady on the evening of Sunday 10th September, 2023 where Rev Andrew Neill was ordained to the priesthood by the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster.

Rev Neill will serve his curacy in the Parish of Drumachose under the guidance of its Rector, Rev Canon Aonghus Mayes. The new curate’s wife, Claire, and their two children were in church for the service, along with his parents and siblings, members of his extended family, parishioners from Agherton (Portstewart) where he had served his Deacon Internship, and churchgoers from Christ Church.

Clergy, readers and choir members made their way into church against a dramatic soundscape, with heavy rain spattering onto the path, the church bell tolling in the tower looming over them and thunder rumbling from the low grey sky.

Bishop Andrew suggested that this evening’s offering – which was being taken up for the Diocesan Ministry Fund – should perhaps be diverted instead to the RNLI, given the difficulties the congregation had overcome to actually reach the service.

The Bishop thanked the Rector and the parish for organising the Service of Ordination. “Any ordination is special,” Bishop Andrew said, “and why is it special? Because it’s another step in the life of ministry for an individual – Andrew; it’s another step in the life of the parish that he will serve, here, in Drumachose, in Christ Church; and it’s another step in the life of the diocese and in the Church of God itself, as we ordain together. So, what we do tonight, it actually is an historic moment, and we worship and praise and give thanks to God that we can do this.

“And I know that for you, Andrew, this is a step in a long journey that has brought you here, and we’re delighted to welcome you back into the Derry and Raphoe family, as well, and also to acknowledge the amazing ministry that Claire [the new Curate’s wife who is the Diocesan Youth Officer] has in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe, as well. I’m completely biased, of course, but it’s great to welcome you back to the best diocese in the Church of Ireland.”

This evening’s sermon was preached by the Rev Malcolm Ferry, the Rector of the Parish of Agherton and a former Canon of St Columb’s Cathedral. Rev Ferry joked that in Agherton, that morning, they had built a small ark so that they could get to the Ordination Service.

Rev Ferry said the central act of ordination was the belief that the Holy Spirit empowered – gave to Andrew – those necessary gifts and talents, so that he might fulfil his ministry as priest. So, the Preacher said, by the Holy Spirit, Andrew would be enabled to preach, teach, counsel, administer sacraments in ways that benefitted the spiritual growth and wellbeing of the Drumachose congregation and the congregations where he would serve in future.

“Andrew will now be seen as participating in the ministry of Christ in a very unique way,” Rev Ferry said. “To represent Christ here on earth, called to imitate Christ’s compassion, his humility, his self-sacrifice. Andrew’s called to care for the spiritual needs of his people – the people here in this parish – and along with this, Andrew is tasked to intercede on behalf of the congregation when he leads prayer. He is the bridge between the parish and God as he serves as priest.”

There was no doubt, the Preacher said, that ordination carried with it a deep sense of calling. There was an expectation that Rev Neill would live out a dedicated service to God.

“Having, if you like, laid out the formal definitions about ordination to the priesthood, I want to offer you now some personal thoughts – personal thoughts as you, my good friend, will soon become my priestly colleague.

“I offer you these words: firstly, ‘personal’; secondly, ‘insightful’; and lastly ‘expectation’. There’s an expectation tonight of everyone present and, indeed, of Andrew himself, so, let’s look just for a moment at the personal nature of ordination. It’s a privilege and it’s a challenge. It’s a joy, it’s a sorrow. It’s very public and yet very private. It’s professional and yet informal. It’s pastoral – it will take over your whole life – and yet you remain the ordinary person you are.

“Ordination will be, for Andrew, a very powerful gear change in his life. Andrew, I know, has worried about it, prayed about it, wondered about it, deliberated about it, but one thing Andrew didn’t do was say “Och, sure, I’ll give it a go and sure if it doesn’t work out there’s a plan B.’ 

“That’s where ordination to the priesthood is different from any other job opportunity – it has the longest interview process known to Man! – it’s different. It’s not, from tonight on, life/work balance; it’s life/priest balance.

“I did suggest to you the word ‘insightful’, defined as ‘having or showing a very accurate and deep understanding’ of something. To go forward with your ordination, Andrew, without you being insightful, would be madness.

“Andrew you will have worked hard to learn as much as you can about what it means to be a priest, serving the people of God. You’ve had placements; you’ve seen from them and gleaned as much as you could from the role of priest. 

“But there’s little point in going ahead if, Andrew, you didn’t sit down and count the cost. The job is unique. It’s like none other. I’m still learning and I’m sure all the priests that are with us this evening would say that they’re still learning, too, because we have to keep learning because we’ll get swallowed up in the changing world where, it seems, rejection of Christ is getting stronger and stronger. 

“The job is fixed in some ways – we proclaim the truth of Christ crucified – but we proclaim it in a world that’s very different year on year, and the difference is happening at a break-neck speed.

“Finally, Andrew, there is that word ‘expectation’. Now, that word cuts both ways for the people here and for you. You will have an expectation of how the people here should see you and respect you as the priest, just as the people of this parish and indeed the people for the rest of your ministry [will] have an expectation of you.

“Now, I want to describe expectation in this way: the mould is already cast. The mould is cast long before this evening, long before my or any other ordination. The mould – whether we like it, whether we think it’s correct or not – the mould is cast. The mould is cast here in Limavady. The good people here will expect, as will the Rector, certain things of you. But you already know. You’ve been insightful. You’ve sat down to count the cost.

“The mould that is set is the mould of the priest. Not the leader. Not the preacher. Not the strategist. Not the popular entertainer, but the mould that is set is that of Priest.”

Rev Ferry said the ordained ministry was a blessing and a huge responsibility. “Through the laying-on of hands by the bishop and your fellow priests, we will enable you to fulfil your calling. We, your fellow priests, your bishop, we are here to help and assist you as we proclaim Christ risen, encouraging Christians to live more Christian lives, encouraging those who have fallen away to join the journey again, walking and sharing in people’s joys and in their sorrows. It’s private for you, Andrew, just as it was for those first disciples on that first day of the week when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders and Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be to you.’

“The doors aren’t exactly locked here, this evening, but I do hope they’re open. They’re not locked here, nor are we afraid in this town to proclaim Christ crucified. But this service is more than just the welcoming of a new curate. We want Jesus to be here with us and stand among us and say, ‘Peace be with you.’ [That’s] the very thing – that’s what we want to happen this evening – that as you enter this new role of priest, you’ll find peace.”

Rev Ferry, who guided Rev Neill through his Deacon Internship, told the Rector that his new curate would become his trusted and supportive friend.

“Andrew, as you begin this new ministry, with Claire and the girls by your side, we all wish to encourage you and hold you in prayer. Those who know you well know that you want to seek God’s guidance and his help. We know, too, that your heart has a passion for the work of a priest, and a personal commitment this evening.” 

This Service of Ordination was led by Bishop Andrew Forster, who was assisted by the Archdeacon of Derry, Ven Robert Miller, the Archdeacon of Raphoe, Ven David Huss, and Canon Mayes. Music was provided by the Choir of Christ Church Limavady, accompanied by organist Louis Fields.

After the service, the congregation hurried across the churchyard to the parish hall where they enjoyed refreshments. Bishop Andrew thanked the parish team for their hospitality, and the Rector for organising the Service of Ordination. The Bishop told the gathering that the relationship between a new curate and their rector was a special bond. “I was a curate in the early 90s and I still look back to what I learned as a curate. Do you remember a number of years ago a lot of young Christians used to wear a little bracelet and it said ‘WWJD’ – ‘What would Jesus do?’ Well, as a rector, I used to think not ‘WWJD’ but ‘What would Norman do?’ He was my rector.” 

Bishop Andrew told Rev Neill that he had come to Drumachose with much to offer the parish, but with a spirit to learn, also.

The Bishop also thanked the preacher, Rev Ferry, for a sermon which had great meaning not only for the newly-ordained curate but for every member of the clergy present.

History in Rossnakill as new Priest-in-charge is introduced for new parish grouping

A slice of diocesan history was created in north Donegal on the evening of Friday 8th September when a new parish grouping was inaugurated at a Service of Introduction for the new Priest-in-charge of the Grouped Parishes of Clondevaddock and Mevagh, Rev Chris Matchett.

The service took place in the Church of Christ the Redeemer on a balmy evening in Rossnakill. Serving and retired clergy from all corners of the diocese joined parishioners from the three other churches now under Rev Matchett’s leadership – Holy Trinity Carrigart, All Saints’ Portsalon and Leatbeg Chapel of Ease.

The service was led by the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, assisted by the Archdeacon of Raphoe, Ven David Huss, the Archdeacon of Derry, Ven Robert Miller, and the Bishop’s Curate for the occasion, Rev Sean McClafferty. The sermon was preached by the rector of the Monaghan Group of Parishes, Revd Chancellor Ian Berry, who is a long-standing friend of Rev Matchett’s.

Among those in the congregation on this historic evening were Rev Matchett’s wife, Ali, and Bishop Andrew’s predecessor, Rt Rev Ken Good.

Bishop Andrew said he was delighted to be in Rossnakill to give thanks to God for Rev Matchett’s leadership and ministry. “It’s a red letter day because it is, in many ways, the inauguration of a new parish group, made possible by a miracle of engineering – the new bridge which brings Carrigart and the Fanad Group together. So, it’s a very special evening for the parishes, for Chris and Ali, for the diocese and for each one of us.

“My hope and prayer, this evening, is that we will have a deep sense of celebration, but also a deep sense of the ‘Yes’ of almighty God, the ‘ Yes’ that’s in God’s plan for this new group of parishes to be together, the ‘Yes’ that’s in God’s plan for Chris and Ali to come and serve among you, and the ‘ Yes’ that’s in God’s plan that we are here as the people of God to serve Him and to worship Him and to know his love and to make His love known in this beautiful part of His creation.”

The preacher, Rev Ian Berry, has known the new Priest-in-charge since their days in theological college almost 30 years ago. Rev Berry focused on the New Testament reading from Acts 20, 28-35, in which St Paul addresses the elders of the Church in Ephesus, having followed God’s call in the 20 years since Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus.

“When he tells them, ‘Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God which he bought with his own blood’, this is what he [Paul] has done and it’s what he is doing. And it’s what clergy ought to do as well.”

The preacher said events such as Friday evening’s Service of Introduction, ordinations, institutions, all such occasions were “a reminder of what we [clergy] are called to, and how we are following God’s call in our lives.” He said that all members of the church had to trust and rely and depend on Jesus each day. “Just as Chris is following God’s call on and in his life, just as it’s brought him to this night and to this place, it is what every parishioner needs to do.”

Rev Berry addressed the parishioners of Clondevaddock and Mevagh directly. “You may need to stay faithful to God’s call in your lives, to be a good flock, to be happy and to be watched over and to be led; to be here at Sunday worship, in private prayer, in Bible-reading and in study. You are to build each other up, encouraging others to be faithful to God’s call, confident in God’s word.”

The preacher said Rev Matchett’s new parishioners would “get to know Chris as he leads, as he cares, as he ministers and lives here in this gloriously beautifully part of the Church of Ireland. You’ll get to know him as a colleague in the diocese. Here you’ll get to know him as he preaches, and reads, and prays and leads worship, baptises, celebrates Holy Communion, welcomes people through that door at the back, and pastors in this area and in this group. You see, that’s how the elders in Ephesus got to know Paul.”

Drawing his sermon to a close, Rev Berry observed that this was “a new era for this group, for Chris, for Ali and the diocese.” He finished with words of reassurance for Rev Matchett: “Chris, we are furnished for God’s call by the continual presence and provision and grace of God that gives us what is needed to seek and serve and follow Him.”

The evening ended with a splendid supper in Tamney Hall, laid on by the parishioners in honour of their new minister. There were speeches of welcome from lay representatives of the parishes, from local parish priest, Fr Charles Byrne, and Bishop Andrew, and there was a response from the new Priest-in-charge which began with a few words in Irish.

Rev David Griscome – who was prominent among those ministering to the parishes during the recent vacancy – was singled out for acknowledgement and applause.

Incidentally, there was an amusing moment in church just before the service began, as people were being ushered into their seats. Two ladies were asked by a member of the parish team, “Are you dignitaries?”

“No,” one of the women replied, “we’re normal. We’re clergy wives.”

For the Rev Chris, this new ministry is a homecoming of sorts. He is a son of the diocese, having been born and grown up in Londonderry where he was a parishioner of Christ Church.

Omagh bombing: 25th anniversary marked

The victims and survivors of the Omagh bomb atrocity were remembered on Sunday afternoon at a Service of Reflection and Prayer at the town’s Memorial Garden, a short distance from where a car bomb exploded almost a quarter of a century ago, killing 31 people, including unborn twins.

The service was organised jointly by Omagh Churches’ Forum, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, and family and support organisations in the local community. Among the dignitaries who attended were the Northern Ireland Office minister Lord Caine, the Republic’s Minister of State for European Affairs, Peter Burke, and the former Police Ombudsman, Baroness O’Loan (who headed the Omagh Bomb Inquiry).

Clergy from the four main Christian denominations took part in the service, which was led by the joint chairmen of the Omagh Churches’ Forum, the Church of Ireland’s Rural Dean for Omagh, Rev Canon Robert Clarke, and Drumragh Parish Priest, Fr Eugene Hasson.

There was a touching passage during the Service when the Lord’s Prayer was recited in three different languages — English, Irish and Spanish. A young Spanish woman, Rocio Abad Ramos, and her 12 year old compatriot, Fernando Blasco Baselga, were among those murdered in the explosion.

During the service, Canon Clarke paid tribute to the late Fr Kevin Mullan, who had been a great support to the bereaved at the time of the bombing and had subsequently been a stalwart of the Churches’ Forum. Fr Mullan died earlier this year.

The Omagh bombing led to the greatest loss of life in a single incident in the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’.

Another Service, this time a private one for relatives and others affected by the bombing, will be held in Omagh Library on Tuesday 15th August — the 25th anniversary explosion. In Buncrana, meanwhile, people will gather at Knockalla Park on Tuesday afternoon for public prayers to remember local children who died in the blast and the other victims of the atrocity.

Rev Chris Matchett to become Priest-in-Charge in new Clondevaddock and Mevagh Group

Reverend Chris Matchett has been appointed Priest-in-Charge of the new Parish Group of Clondevaddock and Mevagh, in north Donegal. The 58-year-old former accountant, who was born and grew up in Londonderry, served as Rector of St Mark’s Church in Newtownards for 12 years and, prior to that, spent seven years as the incumbent of Magheracross (Ballinamallard), in the Diocese of Clogher. He also served two curacies in Down and Dromore.

It is a “bitter-sweet feeling”, he says, to be leaving St Mark’s, where he and his family enjoyed many happy years, but he says he is looking forward to seeing what God has in store for them in this new chapter in their lives and ministry. “We see God’s hand in this,” Rev’d Matchett says. “We didn’t go looking for the move. We weren’t even aware of the vacancy in Clondevaddock, but it was mentioned to us and we thought it could be the right move for us.”

Rev’d Matchett and his wife, Ali, have three grown-up children – the last of whom sat her A-Levels recently – and the couple will be moving to Clondevaddock and Mevagh without their children. “It’s a new start for us, but then it’s a new start for everyone in the new parish group. It’ll be the first time I’ll have been responsible for more than one church. I’ll be looking after four, now [the Church of Christ the Redeemer in Rosnakill; All Saints, Portsalon; Leatbeg Parish Church; and Holy Trinity Church in Carrigart].

“Obviously, we’ve been to the parishes. We’ve enjoyed the stunning scenery. We’ve met some of the people. We’ve been greeted with warmth, openness and generosity. You go there believing it’s the right time and the right place. Ministry in north Donegal will certainly be very different to ministry in Newtownards, but Newtownards was very different to Ballinamallard. There’ll be similarities and there’ll be differences. The task, though – what God calls us to do – never changes. I’ll try to be in listening mode and I’m looking forward to seeing what God has planned for us.”

Ali says she will always be thankful for the warmth shown to their family during their years in Newtownards. “We’re grateful for the time our children spent there as teenagers growing up as a church family. It’ll be hard to leave St Mark’s but the fact that the last of our children is leaving home now suggests, perhaps, that it’s the right time for a move.”    

Rev’d Matchett says leaving St Mark’s and its parishioners will be a huge wrench. “We went to Newtownards looking forward to the opportunity, waiting to find out what plans God had for us, hoping people would welcome us. And that’s what we encountered. People welcomed us into their church family and showed us tremendous generosity.” 

Bishop Andrew Forster says Rev’d Matchett’s decision to accept the position of Priest-in-Charge of Clondevaddock and Mevagh is wonderful news for the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe and for the parishioners in north Donegal. “This is an exciting time for Chris and Ali, and for everyone in Clondevaddock and Mevagh. I trust that his new parishioners will welcome Chris and Ali with their customary warmth and generosity, and that they’ll offer him their ongoing support and prayers.”    

Rev Liz Fitzgerald appointed Diocese’s first female Dean

The Diocese of Derry and Raphoe is to get its first female dean following the appointment of Rev Liz Fitzgerald as Rector of the Grouped Parishes of Raphoe, Raymochy and Clonleigh and Dean of St Eunan’s Cathedral.

News of the appointment, by the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, was announced today at services in the Raphoe Group of churches and in Rev Fitzgerald’s current parishes of Gweedore, Carrickfinn and Templecrone.

The Omagh-native said she may have “squealed” when the proposition was initially put to her by Bishop Forster to succeed Rev Arthur Barrett as Dean. “I think I squealed, ‘Who me?’” 

Mrs Fitzgerald says she is looking forward to the challenge immensely. “Being invited to be Rector of the Raphoe Group and Dean of St Eunan’s Cathedral is very exciting and I’m really looking forward to it. When I was ordained curate, I never thought that I would see a time when I would be in full-time ministry in a parish, so that is very exciting for me. My grandmother lived next door to St Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh. As a child I’d be in and out of the Cathedral and I just loved the feeling and the atmosphere and I would have worshipped there, so to be invited to be Rector of St Eunan’s Cathedral is wonderful. The ‘Dean bit’ I think is exciting, it’s a privilege. I’ve a lot of learning to do.”

St Eunan’s has a long and distinguished history. The church is 800 years old and people have prayed on the site for 1,400 years. While acknowledging the historic nature of her appointment, Rev Fitzgerald says she is undaunted by it, putting her trust in God.   

“I was brought up in a family where we considered professions as genderless. If it was the right person in the right place to do the right job that was good. The fact that I’ve been appointed [St Eunan’s Cathedral’s] first lady Dean, I don’t feel weighed down by it at all. I think it’s very exciting. It’s certainly an historic event, but I feel the weight of the calling more than the weight of history. Am I daunted? I just feel spiritually guided. I feel spiritually very content in what I’ve been asked to do, and I feel God will be my guide and will see me through it – but I still have to do the graft.”

Rev Fitzgerald will miss her parishioners in west Donegal. “My part of Donegal – Bunbeg, Carrickfinn, Dungloe – is beautiful, and what makes it beautiful is the good, kind people, my parishioners and the people in the community. But about a year ago I had a restlessness deep inside me which I tried to ignore and tried to leave to one side. That restlessness continued all of last year. [Rev Fitzgerald’s husband] Sean had a huge role in Rotary Ireland, my son was on placement in Belfast, our life was upside down and then, all of a sudden, our life is now calm. Sean’s retired. Rotary has stopped. This offer has been presented to me and I’ve said ‘Yes’ because the time is right, I’m ready for another challenge – I’ve time for another challenge – and I thank the Lord that this is my challenge.”

“I’ve always loved the sense of peace in Raphoe Cathedral. It never, ever dawned on me that I would actually end up being Rector of a cathedral and whenever it was proposed to me, I just heard God say, ‘This is yours’. It was the strangest feeling. I didn’t stop and think about it. I just put it totally in God’s hands, and that’s why I’m so calm and excited all at once.”

Rev Fitzgerald says she is not totally sure what being Dean of St Eunan’s entails in its entirety but says she is up for the challenge. “I feel energised, I feel awakened. Sean even said this morning that I look 10 years younger. This has reawakened my call, my duty. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and learn about the administrative roles and responsibilities of being Dean and Rector, as well as the pastoral needs and the worship needs involved. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and go.”

A date has yet to be finalised for Rev Fitzgerald’s institution as Rector and installation as Dean. “The only thing that I have in my head,” Rev Fitzgerald says, “is that St Eunan’s Day is the 23rd of September and it would be lovely if something could happen around St Eunan’s Day.

“It’s all a bit of a fantasy to me. George Otto Simms was the Archbishop in Armagh when I was a child. He inspired in me how central to the Church and yet how important to our faith a cathedral and cathedral worship can be. I just feel privileged. Thank you, God. Thank you for letting me serve this way.”Bishop Forster has congratulated Rev Fitzgerald on her appointment and thanked her for her ministry in the Gweedore Group. “On behalf of the Diocese, I wish to express my gratitude to Liz for her generous and faith-filled witness in Gweedore, Carrickfinn and Templecrone. She is a gifted priest and pastor, and will share those gifts with her new parishioners in Raphoe, Raymochy and Clonleigh. I trust that parishioners in Raphoe, Manorcunningham and Lifford will welcome Liz warmly and offer her their prayers and support.”