Author: Paul McFadden

Diocese’s First ‘OLM’ ministers ordained

Bishop Andrew Forster ordained two new deacons for the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe at a
St Peter’s Day service in St Columb’s Cathedral in Londonderry. Rev Brian Robinson will
serve in the Balteagh Group of Parishes and Rev Sean McClafferty will serve in the
Taughboyne Group.

Rev McClafferty’s wife, Jennifer, and their daughter, Zara, were in the Cathedral for the
service, as were Rev Robinson’s wife, Mary, his mother, Joyce, and his son, Andrew. In the
days leading up to their ordination, the two new deacons spent time on retreat with Bishop
Andrew and the Diocese’s two Archdeacons, Venerable David Huss and Venerable Robert

Bishop Andrew said it was a pleasure and an honour to welcome the congregation to St
Columb’s Cathedral on a very, very special occasion. It was, he said, an evening of delight
and celebration, but it was also an evening of solemnity and prayer. “We know that this step
of faith, that Sean and Brian take, is of deep significance to them and to the whole Church,”
Bishop Andrew said, “so, we come seeking the support, the help and the equipping of God’s
Holy Spirit.”

The Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, and the Parish of Templemore’s Pastoral
Assistant, Rev Canon John Merrick, took part in the service, along with the Bishop and the
two Archdeacons. The Diocesan Registrar, Rev Canon David Crooks, and the Balteagh
Group Rector, Rev Rhys Jones, delivered the first and second readings, while the Gospel was
read by the Dean.

In his sermon, Bishop Andrew described ordinations as “special” occasions. Thursday
evening’s service had “an added specialness”, he said, because it marked the beginning of a
new form of ministry in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe – Ordained Local Ministry. “As
this new sphere of service begins, tonight, your families, your friends, your parishes, the
Diocese and, indeed, the whole Church of Jesus Christ is right with you, it delights in you,
and tonight we want to bless you in the name of God as you take this hugely significant step
in your journey of faith.”

An ordination reminded all of us, not just those who are being ordained, that we were bearers
of Good News, Bishop Andrew said, that we shared light where there was darkness, brought
hope instead of despair, and shared purpose instead of disillusionment.

“Tonight,” he said, “as we celebrate and anticipate, we delight in the power of the Gospel to
bring salvation and hope to a needy world.

“The culture that we live in has shifted in most of our lifetimes. When I was boy, society was
fairly positive about the Christian faith. It was seen as a good thing to be part of a church. It
was seen as a positive thing to hold to Christian values. And then there was a bit of a shift
where it maybe became fairly neutral, where society really didn’t care that much about
church, didn’t really care that much about faith, and sort of said, ‘Well, if that’s what you want
[then] that’s fine.’ But, you know, over the last number of years I think there’s been another
shift, where society around us has become actually pretty hostile to Christian faith, pretty
hostile to the things that we hold to be the greatest treasures for the world.

“Now, what do we do in a situation like that? Well, first of all, it doesn’t do us any good just
to sort of hark back to the past and think of some golden days that didn’t really ever exist, to be honest, and wish that we were like that again. It’s not going to happen. It’s in the past. What we need to do now is work out through the spirit of God, and through engaging with His word, what it means to live faithfully, to live fruitfully and to live positively for Jesus Christ in the culture of today.

“And I believe that even in that sort of sense of negativity about faith, God still calls us to be
confident in Christ. He calls us to be confident people, and we have much to be confident in,
we have plenty to be positive about. Why? Because you will attest to it. Faith in Jesus Christ
works. It works in every culture and every country. It works for every age group and
profession. It works for every colour and class.

“All over the world, and in this cathedral tonight, there are people who will tell you how
Jesus Christ has rescue them from addiction and desperation, from despair and hopelessness.
All over the world, and right across our diocese, there are churches that are making a positive
difference. They are sharing hope and love in their communities.

“Do you know, it’s the most wonderful thing in the world to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and
it’s the most wonderful thing to be part of His family in what we call the Church of Jesus
Christ. So, don’t lose confidence in what God has called us to be and what He calls us to do
for Him.”

Bishop Andrew reflected on the Gospel reading (Mark 10: 35-45, recounting ‘The Request of
James and John’ [to sit at Jesus’s right and left hand in His glory]). The Bishop felt the
passage explained how bearers of the Good News ought to proclaim the Good News.
“‘Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first
among you must be slave of all,’ says Jesus”.

Bishop Andrew shared with the congregation an account of a dinner party that he and his
wife attended, a number of years ago, in a rather smart part of London. They were greeted on
arrival by a butler who took their coats and ushered them into the drawing room. When the
time came for dinner, they were brought to the dining room where the meal was served by a
maid. “Whenever we left that house, we thought, ‘What wonderful hosts – how kind they
were, how good the food was, and how relaxed they made us feel – and they did. We never
really thought that much about the staff, who had the place looking great, who had prepared
the meal, and I’m sure did the dishes. And I suppose that meant the staff had done their job
really well. They brought all the attention to the master of the house.

“Now, in the passage, Jesus tells us that the very heart of all of our ministry – and the ministry
of a deacon has a special emphasis on this – that the very heart of all our ministry is
servanthood – to be a servant. And as servants, it’s all about bringing attention to the master.
That’s what we’re about. That’s what we’re for: to bring attention to Jesus, so that people will
find hope in Him. And I think the passage tells us about the character of a servant and the
characteristics of servanthood.”

Bishop Andrew said that in the Gospel reading, James and John had shown an unfortunate
paradox that all in ministry had to be very careful of. They hoped to honour Jesus whilst
honouring themselves. “How easily worship and discipleship can be blended with self-
interest or, worse, self-interest masked as worship and discipleship. We see something
completely different with Jesus. He renounces status for the wellbeing of those He comes to

serve. And I’m sure that the character of a disciple, that the character of a servant, needs to be
one which decides to turn from self-interest and to renounce a worldly view of status.

“You see, James’ and John’s request, to be honest, was elitist and self-serving, and there’s a
lot in our society today that would tempt us to act in the same way. No temptation is stronger
or subtler than pride. Pastors and church leaders are vulnerable, because we’re always in the
limelight. And it’s exactly what we see with James and John – pride crept in. And we need
constantly to remember that Jesus introduced into the world a new style of servant leadership.
The character of a disciple? Whoever wants to become great amongst you must be your
servant. And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.

“One scholar, T.W. Manson, sums it up like this: ‘In the Kingdom of God, service is not a
steppingstone to nobility, it is nobility – the only nobility that is recognised.'”

Bishop Andrew said Jesus was the obvious role model for Christians and Christian leaders.
“When we look to Christ, we see the ultimate in self-giving and self-sacrifice. We see the one
who poured Himself out for us, who met people at their point of need, who knew tiredness
and hunger and rejection, He knew what it was to be unfairly treated and maligned.”

Servanthood is not easy, Bishop Andrew said. ‘The slave of all’, as Jesus put it, would know
pain and heartache. “Discipleship is not an easy option. Look at the great heroes of Scripture.
Abraham had to up sticks and leave all that he was familiar with. Moses had to risk his life
and go to Pharaoh and say, ‘Let my people go’. Job had to endure the unfairness of suffering.
Mary had to live with gossip and whispering. Paul was shipwrecked and flogged. The
disciples endured martyrdom. Jesus goes to the cross. Servanthood is not easy, but it is how
we will reach out to this needy world with the cause of the Gospel.”

The Bishop recalled his own ordination in offering some words of advice for the new
deacons. “Brian and Sean, guard your own spiritual life because without it our ministry fails.
When I was ordained, I was given a card by an elderly clergyman who has now gone to
receive his heavenly reward. I don’t know whether these were his words or not but he put this
on the card: ‘Andrew, stay close to Jesus, stay close to His word and stay close to people’. It
was good advice and it’s good advice that has stood the test of time and it’s good advice for
you gentlemen, too.”

Music for Thursday’s Service of Ordination was provided by The Cathedral Choir, directed
by Dr Derek Collins, and accompanied by Mr Nicky Morton on the organ.

Rev’d Claire Henderson ordained a priest

There was a mood of celebration and tremendous thankfulness in Derg Parish Church
on Thursday evening as Rev Claire Henderson was ordained priest by the Bishop of
Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster. The new curate has battled against serious
illness in the three years since she was ordained deacon, including two spells in
intensive care. Bishop Andrew said to Rev Henderson, “After what you’ve been through
these last number of years, Claire, this was just the work of God’s spirit that you were
brought to these parishes [of Derg and Termonamongan]. I really think God’s hand was
in that.”

The new priest served her most of her diaconate under the guidance of the Rector of the
Derg Group of Parishes, Rev Peter Ferguson, who preached the sermon at the Service
of Ordination. The new curate’s parents, George and Jean, sat beside her in the front
pew, along with her brother, David, who delivered the first reading.

In his sermon, the Rector recounted his great admiration for the famous polar explorer,
Sir Ernest Shackleton, whose 1914 expedition on the ship Endurance was, he said,
regarded as the greatest example of survival in history. “If the words ‘endurance’ and
‘survival’ could be applied to anyone I have the privilege to know,” Rev Ferguson said, “it
would be to Claire.”

Thursday evening’s service was more than an ordination, the Preacher said. “It’s a
celebration of life and grateful thanks to God for His grace. It is remarkable that we stand
with Claire here today. Praise be to the Lord.”

Rev Henderson’s experience had prompted Rev Ferguson to choose a passage from
Hebrews 12:1-12 for the first reading. “I keep thinking of these words when I think of
Claire,” he said. “‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of
witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.’

“I love these verses. They remind us that as Christians we are in Jesus’s team. We don’t
live the Christian life or run the Christian race alone, and we see evidence of that this
evening all around. We have a great cloud of witnesses. We are part of Jesus’s family
and team from all over the world and all over the ages who cheer each other on. And so,
Claire, hear those words: keep going, don’t give up, persevere.

“I’m sure Claire can testify to so many who have heard and prayed for her over the
years. I think of her parents. Without their love and Christian example, would we be here
today? And I think of so many who have cheered Claire on in recent years, in her home
parish, in our rural deanery, in the diocese and beyond.

“Run the race with perseverance. In 2020, in ‘lock-down’, Claire was ordained deacon
and after a short spell in Raphoe joined us in Derg and Killeter, at a time when we were
recording services online. Claire you don’t like taking the easy approach, do you, at all?”
That was borne out by Rev Henderson’s bouts of serious illness (which resulted in her
admitted to ICU on two occasions). “I remember Claire sending me messages from ICU
about parish ministry and ideas that she had. I said, ‘Claire, you’re in ICU; would you
rest for goodness sake?’”

The preacher spoke, too, about “the amazing places and people” Jesus leads us to when we are on His team. “Reverend Claire, just think of it: from being a long-term patient in the S.W.A.H. to visiting others in that very ward – encouraging patients and staff alike – with a totally unique insight; to standing in this pulpit and other pulpits with a message to share; leading bible studies and leading sessions on mental health; developing a new outreach ministry in our parish group for seniors called ‘JOY’ – Just Older Youth (and yes Claire came up with that title and I think it’s a great one, ‘JOY’, Just Older Youth. What an adventure and Claire, the adventure continues.

“As Claire embarks on this significant step, may we embark upon it with her. Jesus isn’t
finished with us yet and he never will be, so we keep going, we keep running with our
eyes fixed on him. The adventure continues for Claire and the adventure continues for
us all.”

Rev Ferguson said he was excited about the next step in his curate’s “adventure with
God” and what it would mean for the clergy team, the parish group, the rural deanery
and the diocese as she entered into part-time stipendiary curacy.

The Rector and the Bishop were joined by two Archdeacons for Thursday’s service,
Venerable Robert Miller (Archdeacon of Derry) and Venerable David Huss (Archdeacon
of Raphoe). Rev Carmen Hayes was the Bishop’s Curate for the occasion. Clergy from
both dioceses attended the service and took part in the ‘laying on of hands’. Music for
the service was provided by the Derg Parish Group organist, Gordon Speer.

Afterwards, the congregation moved to the nearby parish youth hall for refreshments
and speeches. The new curate said: “Most of you’ll know this has been quite the journey
for me. I was ordained at the height of Covid in 2020 and I was meant to be in Raphoe
but Dean Arthur [Barrett] moved on and I was reassigned to Peter.”

Rev Henderson thanked her rector for his leadership and support. During her three
years as Deacon, she said, she had spent a long time in hospital but knew the whole
time that the parishes were praying for her. “That kept me strong, and they’re still
praying for me and that’s what keeps me going”. She was excited now to see what the
future held for her as curate in Derg and Termonamongan.

Bishop Andrew also thanked the Rector for the training he had been providing for Rev
Henderson, and expressed gratitude, too, to the parishioners of St John’s and St
Bestius’ Churches. “What you’ve found in Derg and Termonamongan,” he told Rev
Henderson, “are warm-hearted, big-hearted, loving-hearted people who have taken you
to their hearts, and cared for you and have been blessed by you as you seek to be a
blessing to them.”

The Bishop recalled how inspirational Claire had been during her spells in hospital.
“When Claire was in hospital – it was Covid times, and we couldn’t [visit] – and I used to
phone her up, knowing she was really ill, and yet she was cheerful, she was positive,
she was prayerful, she was faith-filled. It was really humbling for me.

“So, Claire, we just delight, tonight. At times we wondered was this going to happen,
were you going to be able to take the next step in ministry? And the Lord has provided
the way and we bless His holy name for that and give Him the glory in what He’s been
doing in your life and what He continues to do in the life of these great parishes.”

Epic Iona voyage commemorated

Sixty years after their voyage by currach to Iona – following in the spiritual and historical slipstream of Saint Columba – the four surviving crew members gathered with relatives and friends in St Patrick’s Church in Bunbeg last Sunday, the saint’s feast day, for a special service commemorating and celebrating their epic journey.

The idea for the original pilgrimage had been conceived by the late Canon John Barry, then-Rector of Hillsborough, as a way of marking the 1400th anniversary of Columba’s voyage to the Scottish island where he was to settle, found a monastery and, eventually, die. 

The crew for the journey was assembled by Maghera parishioner Wallace Clarke, a well-known and highly respected sailor (who also acted as skipper), and the boat was built by Bunbeg parishioner Jim Boyd, who was part of the crew who rowed to Iona.

Of the thirteen who made the journey, only four are still alive – Jim, Billy Patterson, Alistair Jameson and Jim Connolly. The quartet joined the Bishop’s Curate -in-Charge of Gweedore, Carrickfinn and Templecrone, Rev Liz Fitzgerald, in Bunbeg Parish Church last Sunday for a service which had ‘Journey of Faith’ as its theme.

Rev Fitzgerald began by reading an extract from an article in the June 1962 Church of Ireland Gazette which described the planning that had gone into the journey. She told the congregation that the voyage of 60 years ago had been a “journey of faith” as the men rowed in their 30-foot by 5-foot-seven currach to Iona – faith that they would make it safe and sound. It was also, she said, a journey of faith as in a pilgrimage; the adventure and journey deepened the faith and commitment these men had for their Lord God.

Throughout the service, a cross that the crew made and took with them to Iona, 60 years ago, was displayed at the front of the church. The service ended with a slide show and a talk about the voyage, and this in turn was followed by tea, fellowship and then lunch.

Mr Boyd disclosed that he had received a letter from the curator of the Tower Museum in Londonderry confirming that the original currach was in safe storage and would feature as an exhibit when the new maritime museum opens.

Note: the first photo shows the four surviving crew members (front row left to right) Jim Boyd and Billy Patterson; and (back row left to right) Alistair Jameson and Jim Connolly.

Hundreds enjoy ‘family fun day’

Around 300 people – from the very youngest to the (ahem) most knowledgeable – took part in today’s Diocesan Family Fun Day at the Ulster American Folk Park near Omagh.

It was a most encouraging turn-out for the organisers – Diocesan Children’s Officer Kirsty McCartney of SEEDS Children’s Ministry, Diocesan Youth Officer Claire Hinchliff from Derry and Raphoe Youth, and the indefatigable members of Derry and Raphoe Mothers’ Union, led by their president, Jacqui Armstrong.

The day began with some group time – including an interactive story, music, and prayer – in the Meeting House. Worship was led by the local Rector, Rev Graham Hare, with The Rector of Urney, Rev Johnny McFarland, supporting him on the guitar.

Bishop Andrew Forster welcomed those present, and thanked Kirsty and Claire and the “wonderful” Mothers’ Union for organising the Fun Day. Bishop Andrew also introduced the two newest members of the Diocese’s clergy cohort: Rev Andrew Neill, who will be ordained to the priesthood in September, and Rev Susan Elliott, who was instituted as Rector of the Inver Group early last month.

After worship, there were street games, stories, songs and a treasure hunt for those who wanted them while others were free to wander off and visit the park’s many attractions.

The weather for the day was hot but overcast, and there were plenty of rather fetching hats being sported to protect wearers from the sun’s UV rays.

Ecumenical service held on site of new Ardnashee School

Clergy from three of the main Christian churches in Londonderry made their way through a dusty building site, ton Wednesday morning (7th June 2023), to lead a short ecumenical service of prayer for the success of Ardnashee School and College’s new construction project.

Work is well under way on the single storey building on the Northland Road, and the project is scheduled to be completed in February 2025.

Nine pupils from the current campuses in Belmont joined principal Raymond McFeeters, the vice-chair of the Board of Governors, Dee Amor, and three teachers at today’s ceremony, which took place on an area of raised ground overlooking the site. The project’s architect and two members of staff from Woodvale Construction also attended. A number of the pupils gave readings.

The clergy who took part were the Bishop of Derry, Rt Rev Dr Donal McKeown; the Rector of St Augustine’s Church, Londonderry, Rev Nigel Cairns; and Rev Dr David Latimer from the Presbyterian Church. All three clergy performed readings and Dr Latimer shared a short reflection.

The children brought with them hopes and wishes they had written down for the success of the new school. After the service, these were buried in a hole, which was then covered in by the shovel-wielding principal, and they will remain under the school’s flooring for the rest of the building’s lifetime.

Words of encouragement and prayer for King Charles III in Armagh

The Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, was one of the Church leaders who met His Majesty King Charles III, this morning, when he visited St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral on the Hill of Armagh.

The King was greeted by members of the Church Leaders Group (Ireland) and other church representatives. On the site of St Patrick’s 5th century ‘Great Stone Church’, The King had the opportunity to hear something of the work of the Church in Ireland in relation to peace building, environmental issues, and work with the impoverished and with those from other places in the world now living in Northern Ireland.

A period of reflection and intercession followed, during which the Church leaders prayed for God’s blessing and guidance for The King.

The King was hosted by the Dean of Armagh, the Very Revd Shane Forster, who welcomed His Majesty to the ecclesiastical capital and to “this shared sacred space, where for centuries pilgrims have come to learn, pray and experience the loving presence of God.”

The Cathedral Choir, which was founded by a charter of King Charles I in 1634, was honoured to sing the words of ‘St Patrick’s Breastplate’ upon the King’s arrival, and the gentle and calming words of the ‘Irish Blessing’ to a setting by Bob Chilcott during the time of prayer.

The Hill of Armagh has been a place of Christian worship since the 5th century AD. It has connections to both St Patrick and to another King as it is the burial place of Brian Boroimhe (Boru), High King of Ireland, who died at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014.

As Prince of Wales, His Majesty was previously the guest of the Cathedral on a visit to Armagh in June 2000 and was hosted by St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral when he returned to the city in May 2019. The Cathedral was honoured to welcome Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, when it held the Royal Maundy Service in March 2008.

Archbishop McDowell said: “The King is no stranger to Northern Ireland, nor indeed to the whole island of Ireland, for which I know he has a particular affection and friendship. I know, too, that he comes today with words of encouragement to the Church leaders as we continue to work towards a reconciled future. Our prayers of blessing for The King and Queen today will continue as together they enter ever more fully into their vocation in the years ahead.”

Dean Forster said: “In this Coronation year, it was a great honour to welcome His Majesty The King to the Cathedral and have the opportunity to share something of the story of this ancient holy site and place of pilgrimage with him before all present joined in prayer with The King and for The King. It was also a particular joy for the Cathedral Choir to sing for The King as they are the current members of a foundation which is linked to one of His Majesty’s predecessors and namesake, King Charles I. A moment the young choristers will remember for a very long time to come.”

With thanks to Kelvin Boyes (PressEye) who took the photographs.

(The Church Leaders Group comprises the Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic Primates of All Ireland, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, and the President of the Irish Council of Churches).

Huge congregation for Canon McBeth’s installation

Rev Canon David McBeth has been installed as a member of The Chapter of St Columb’s Cathedral, at a service led by the Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart and attended by the Bishop of Derry, Rt Rev Andrew Forster. Members of the McBeth family, including his wife, April, were there to see Canon McBeth take his seat in the stall left vacant following the retirement of Rev Canon Paul Whittaker.

Worshippers filled the two centre aisles and spilled into the side aisles, and Cathedral staff ran out of Orders of Service well before the service got under way.

Canon McBeth wore the British Empire Medal awarded to him by the late Queen Elizabeth II, seven years ago. Members of his previous parishes – Glendermott and Newbuildings (where he served his curacy under Rev Canon Derek Creighton), and Dungiven and Bovevagh – mingled with those from his current parish, All Saints Clooney.

The sermon was preached by the Rector of the Balteagh Group of Parishes, Rev Rhys Jones, who was a former Curate of Canon McBeth’s in Clooney.

Rev Jones said that in the New Testament reading (Luke 4: 14-21), Jesus, in the power of the Spirit, had returned to Galilee, and a report about him was spreading through all the surrounding region. “‘He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.’ In the parlance of today,” the preacher said, “Jesus is trending. In the terminology of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok – not to mention the Twitterverse some among you may inhabit – Mary and Joseph’s son has gone ‘viral.’”

Canon McBeth – “the latest and newest member of this illustrious Cathedral Chapter” – was himself often the recipient of praiseworthy report throughout the parishes of our diocese and beyond, Rev Jones said. “On occasion, in fact, the Rector of Clooney has experienced something approaching ‘viral’ public expectation. During the Covid pandemic, the weekly online services of worship from All Saints were regularly being watched by thousands – literally. Then there’s the newest Canon’s exciting music career that has seen him perform throughout these six counties and beyond; and of course, there’s his Country Gospel album releases, such as this one I seem to have conveniently brought with me,” [at this point the preacher produced a copy of one of the new Canon’s recordings] “available, Bishop, from all good retailers or indeed, direct from his ex-Curate for but a small administrative fee.

“These and more are admirable gifts and traits that Rev David possesses in abundance. But, in and of themselves, they are neither his truest gifting nor greatest passion. For that we must return to Christ’s teaching and indeed to the message of our Old Testament lesson.”

How fitting, the preacher said, that the diocese’s “newest and shiniest” Canon’s truest function, truest gifting and passion, was to be found in the sharing of “the old, old story of the Good News of Jesus Christ…in the daily lives of an expectant and needful community to which he has been called to witness…for which he has been set apart and anointed by the Spirit and the Church he loves and serves.

“Having worked alongside David this I know to be his greatest strength: to make real and tangible to those on the margins, to those seeking relational healing with the God of their fathers, all that Isaiah [in the Old Testament reading, Isaiah 61: 1-4] foretold and all that is fulfilled in Christ… it is truly nothing less than recovery of sight to those once blind, liberty to those in captivity, and a foundation upon which the spiritually destitute might construct a temple of the heart from which the Holy Spirit of God can reign and radiate.

“For this work,” Rev Jones suggested, “alongside all in holy orders, and indeed the entirety of the priesthood of all believers, David has been anointed, set apart, and commissioned as a herald of the Good News of Jesus Christ. That is the newest Canon’s truest strength and passion – not viral audiences, album releases, or the applause that greets the lighted stage – but simply Christ and the desire to make the Good News of Christ real and tangible to those on the periphery of God’s Kingdom.”

After the sermon, Canon McBeth was led to his stall by the Dean and other members of the Cathedral Chapter.

The Dean was assisted in the service by Rev Canon John Merrick (Pastoral Assistant in the Parish of Templemore), Rev Canon David Crooks (Diocesan Registrar) and by Bishop Andrew. Music was provided by Dr Derek Collins and Ms Joanne Higgins.

The Service of Installation concluded with a number of short speeches. Dean Stewart told the congregation that 44 years ago this year he became curate of All Saints Clooney, so he regarded it as “a personal pleasure” to have installed Clooney’s current Rector, Canon McBeth.

The Rector’s Churchwarden at Clooney, Charlie McGarrigle, congratulated the new Canon, saying that his installation was an honour not only for Canon McBeth but for the whole Parish.

Canon McBeth thanked Bishop Andrew for appointing him and the Dean for conducting such a beautiful service. He said God had blessed him by leading him into ministry. “I know my mother and father are not here tonight – but they’re here in spirit – and they’d be so, so proud of me standing here as a minister.”

Canon McBeth thanked Canon David Ferry for his encouragement and support. “Without his encouragement, without his leadership, without his strength I wouldn’t be here today.” He thanked Canon Derek Creighton for the example he had set during Rev McBeth’s curacy in Glendermott. The “number one person” who Canon McBeth said had guided him “through good times and bad times” was his wife, April. He thanked April for her encouragement and the rest of their family for their support. There were acknowledgements, too, for his current Curate in Clooney, Rev Andrea Cotter, and for his “friend and former Curate”, Rev Rhys, who preached the sermon.

Bishop Andrew said the size of the congregation spoke volumes of the esteem, respect and love in which Canon McBeth was held in All Saints Clooney and in his previous parishes. “David, you are a blessing to the Church,” the Bishop said, “and you are a blessing to God’s world as you seek to serve him in that.”

Creation’s splendour captured on Binevenagh

The Rector of the Balteagh Group of Parishes (Aghanloo, Balteagh, Carrick and Tamlaghhtard), Rev Rhys Jones, led a group of parishioners to the top of Binevenagh Mountain, on Tuesday evening (23rd May) on the second of their Rogation Walks. This year, the Rector had decided to revive an old tradition dating back to medieval times called ‘Beating the Bounds’, during which they will travel throughout the four parishes, giving thanks for creation and praying for those who live and work in the community.

“The word ‘rogation’ comes from the Latin rogare, ‘to ask’,” Rev Jones says, “and in times-gone-by it was a festival in which parishes asked God’s blessing on the land, its people, its crops, its livestock, and on all that dwelt upon and within God’s Good creation.”

The first ‘Beating the Bounds’ walk took place on Tuesday evening, 16th May 2023, in the Tamlaghtard Parish, beginning at the Old School in Bellarena. Unfortunately, illness prevented Rev Jones from leading the first walk – his place was taken instead by Diocesan Reader and Tamlaghtard Parish stalwart Brian Robinson – but the Rector was in rude health for the second walk, in which he and his companions walked along the top of Binevenagh, looking out over the Roe Valley and, specifically, the parish of St. Lugha’s, Aghanloo.

As they walked, they prayed for the various families of the parish, praying for God’s love, His comfort, His strength and His guidance to be with them each.

The photographs of the Binevenagh walk were taken by Brian Robinson.

Archbishop McDowell encourages reconciliation and citizenship in Synod Address

The Church of Ireland’s General Synod opened in Wexford this morning with Archbishop John McDowell delivering his Presidential Address shortly after the start of business.

Archbishop McDowell recalled the themes of reconciliation and gratitude on which he chose to focus in his first General Synod as Primate of All Ireland in 2020. “There is much on our island that needs to be reconciled and much to give thanks for,” he remarked.

The Primate drew on the example of the humility or sacrifice of Senator George Mitchell in chairing the multi-party talks which led to Northern Ireland’s peace agreement in 1998.

“The spirit in which we do such things is so important because sacrifice is at the heart of the nature of God, and is therefore at the heart of all things,” he added. “Sacrifice is the ultimate reality. At the heart of the new city, the heavenly Jerusalem, a King sits on a throne – and that king is the Lamb that was slain to bring reconciliation and peace; to put back together things that were broken apart.”

Sacrifice, he continued, is the inner structure of love – “the yielding up of something so as to possess it more deeply” – and brings a peace which is “a mighty confidence that equips us for every task we have been given at the hand of the Prince of Peace.”

Archbishop McDowell also reflected on the meaning of being a citizen. “Part of the purpose of Christian community,” he said, “is to learn to treat people as capable of civic dignity and freedom; as people capable of contributing to their nearer and wider social and political environment by free decision taken in consultation.”

He highlighted the modern revival of pilgrimage as an opportunity for local churches to re-engage with people who may be distant from church life but who may also be receptive to what the Church has to say. He also welcomed discussions to reflect the ethnic diversity of today’s Ireland more fully in the life of the Church, and the consistent, nuanced and pastoral work of the Centenaries Working Group over the island’s Decade of Centenaries, and recognised the efforts being made to welcome people fleeing the war in Ukraine into communities across our island.

In outlining the Church’s developing commitment to looking after the environment, Archbishop McDowell encouraged dioceses and parishes to create projects which find more ways to care for creation, following the example of the Lighten Our Darkness youth group, from Mullingar Union of Parishes, which will make a presentation on this theme tomorrow afternoon at General Synod.

The full text of the Presidential Address is below:

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

I’ve begun my General Synod addresses over the past three years by saying either how strange it was to be meeting as a General Synod wholly online or, last year, how strange it was for the Synod to be meeting wholly in person. So, in the interests of consistency I should now say how strange it will be to chairing a General Synod which is in person for two days and online for one or possibly two nights later in the month. You might also have noticed the cunning plan to keep the Synod from meeting in Armagh for as long as possible, until the Honorary Secretaries are satisfied that I can chair it competently and won’t make a fool of myself in front of the home crowd. As you can tell, there’s no end of the varied excitement which being President of the General Synod brings.

However, I can say without any sense of irony that it is very good to be meeting here in Wexford as guests of the Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory. We are very grateful to Bishop Adrian and all those from this part of the world who have welcomed us so warmly, not least the rector, the Revd Norman McCausland. and his colleagues in St Iberius’s for facilitating the General Synod Eucharist.

Although, unlike in the majority tradition on this island, it’s not usual for a bishop or archbishop to choose a theme for his or her tenure of office, I had said at that rather weird General Synod in 2020 that I wished to focus on reconciliation and gratitude. There is much on our island that needs to be reconciled and much to give thanks for. Of course, there is also a huge amount of straightforward, ordinary, boring work to do for each of us – lay and ordained – and there is such a thing as the grace of efficiency.

Both as Primate and as a diocesan bishop, I am acutely aware of the dedication of Church of Ireland people (by the way there is no such thing as an ordinary Church of Ireland person) in not only making the wheels turn, but also in their sheer dedication and commitment to their parishes and communities. It will not be the first time I’ve had to say that the work of compliance alone has increased exponentially and that clergy and officeholders of only twenty years ago would hardly recognise the ‘compliance landscape’ which their counterparts of today have to negotiate. For some small parishes and voluntary organisations, it can be a form of slow attrition until no volunteers can be found to meet the significant bureaucratic burden.

However, all of that has to be set in the wider perspective of the task we have been given to exercise our vocation in contemporary Ireland, north and south. It has become a bit of a cliché to say that, as the Body of Christ, we are his hands and his feet in the communities where Providence has placed us. But it is also true that we are his lips and his heart. That is to say, the people who speak with his voice into a world which hasn’t yet managed to find its bearings after three or so years of unforeseen turbulence; and the people who see so many sheep without a shepherd and who want not to criticise them, and make them feel even worse than they are feeling already, but to care for them.

I can remember saying back in 2020-2021 that when I was asked what sort of church we would be as we emerged from lockdowns and many restrictions on our activities, I usually replied that it was too early to say. Perhaps it is possible to say a little bit more now. On the positive side we have come through the slow motion cataclysm much better than we had anticipated, though not without scars and a couple of open wounds. Indeed to a large extent we are almost exactly the way we were but with fewer people. Not drastically fewer and not radically changed. In almost every sense that is a good thing, and the one way in which it is not so good is not fatal.

The older Churches on this island, including the Church of Ireland, have been in numerical decline for many years. As yet there is no way to measure whether we have increased or decreased in faith, hope and love but my own experience has been the former; that we have deepened our witness in these ways. However, numbers matter too. They are not everything, but in light of the Great Commission, they aren’t nothing either. Fortunately, God has heard our prayer and has indeed “gone before us…with his most gracious favour”, so that we are not frantically scrambling around looking for an answer.

Long before Covid the seeds were being sown around the idea what we are now calling Pioneer Ministry. The long-term trends of attendance were being noted and formal and informal conversations were taking place in the House of Bishops, in conferences and seminars and of course, in this Synod. A great deal of that seed sowing was done by Bishop Patrick Rooke, before his retirement as Bishop of Tuam, Killala, and Achonry, and I want to pay tribute to Patrick for his vision and his drive in taking the conversation from a theoretical to a very practical one through the most inaptly named IDLE (Inter Diocesan Learning Experience) process.

If you’ll forgive the mixing of metaphors, the seeds have been sown, and now the foundations are being laid for the “mainstreaming” of this initiative into the DNA of the Church of Ireland in the form of the terms of reference of Pioneer Ministry. I am not going to go into detail in this address about this subject which will be very ably laid before Synod later in our proceedings, except to say that, as well as coming in various stages of development to successive General Synods, it has been the subject of rigorous scrutiny and debate by the Standing Committee, the Representative Body and the House of Bishops. The fact that it is the Church Army with whom we as a Church are to be partners for the formation and training elements of the Pioneer Ministry Initiative is a source of much gratitude and reassurance. I know that Synod will give the initiative its close attention.

Pioneer Ministry is one of the outcomes of what might be described as an honest look at ourselves – where we fit into the world we are called to serve and what form that service might take – because if we are not a blessing to the communities in which we live, then history seems to suggest that we will be a curse, or at best an irrelevance. And we must work this out for ourselves as we come to the realisation that history is not simply a discipline to be studied or a process to be endured. Instead, it is a thing to be made – made by our conscious choices, by our importuning voices which express the compassion of our Lord.

You see there are no models or precedents. Small as we have become, we are not in the same position as the early Church. The influence of the Church may not be very great, but we are in no sense in the position of complete civic insignificance and vulnerability as was the Church as portrayed in the Acts of the Apostles or the Letters of St Paul. We cannot simply wish away that great thousand-year experience and experiment which was called Christendom.

But of course, neither are the Churches one of the great engines of the civic world or of the State which we once were in Ireland until not that long ago. We need both a realistic understanding of how we are viewed in the modern world and a realistic grasp of the spiritual gifts we bring. Above all, we need to place a very high value on spiritual freedom – by which I mean a free response to the appeal of God’s love in His Son. We have been given limitless spiritual resources but the minute they are used in any even remotely coercive or overbearing way, then they turn to dust in our hands and to ashes in our mouths. It is the meek who inherit the earth and not those who are proud of their humility.


I recently came across an example of that meekness, by which I mean acknowledging the depth one’s gifts but only ever using them for the common good rather than for personal prestige.

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending a conference at my alma mater, the Queen’s University of Belfast, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. It was attended by Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and three of his predecessors, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and many of his predecessors, right back to Peter Mandelson and a host of other luminaries.

But the highlight of the event was a speech given by Senator George Mitchell who had chaired the multi-party talks which led to the signing of the Agreement on 10th April 1998. He is in his ninetieth year and has been suffering from leukaemia for the past three years. He told us of how he had flown home to the United States in October 1997 so he could be with his wife Heather, for the birth of their only child, a son.

Things had not been going well in the negotiations in Belfast. Indeed in typically brusque style someone from Belfast had said to him not long before: “You haven’t managed to broker an agreement, so when are you going home?” He told his wife that he was going to ask for a meeting with the President to say that he had failed and that it was time to call it quits.

His wife had been aware of his concerns and she reminded him that on that same day when their son was born, sixty-one children had been born in Northern Ireland. “George, I will take good care of our son. But in the meantime you have to go back one more time for the sake of those children.”

He did come back and a few months later the multi-party agreement and the international treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Ireland were signed. The multi-party agreement was achieved at least in part because of the sacrifices offered by George Mitchell and his wife Heather. Sacrifices of mind and soul and body.

Of course you may not agree with the political assumptions in that story, but that is not the point. We can all make good, bad or indifferent political assumptions and decisions and only time will tell how good they were. But the spirit in which we do such things is so important, because sacrifice is at the heart of the nature of God, and is therefore at the heart of all things. Sacrifice is the ultimate reality. At the heart of the new city, the heavenly Jerusalem, a King sits on a throne…and that king is the Lamb that was slain to bring reconciliation and peace; to put back together things that were broken apart.

Love and sacrifice are the hidden things that lie at the foundation of the world, and faith – your faith and mine – is the disruptive bringing to bear of the sacrifice which lies at the heart of the Trinity, on the spurious stability of civilisation. Sacrifice is the inner structure of love; the yielding up of something so as to possess it more deeply. And the peace which it brings is not a glassy calm; it is a mighty confidence that equips us for every task we have been given at the hand of the Prince of Peace.


Speaking for myself and my own role in occasionally having to say something in the public square, I can only say how conscious I am of being Primate of All Ireland, and how what I say will be heard in Coleraine and in Cork. No doubt I do not always get it just right, yet I am convinced that the voice of the Churches, especially when we speak together, is a voice that has something to contribute.

During the course of public debate last year on a fairly controversial subject across these islands I tried to outline the mode of address which I felt was appropriate to how as a Church Leader (although that is itself a problematic term) should use when participating in debates on public issues:

‘As a disciple of Jesus Christ who also happens to be a Church Leader, the principal questions which I need to ask myself at this time are, “how will what I do or say express my discipleship of Jesus Christ?” and “how will it contribute to the common good?”

Church Leaders are not party political figures nor are we the accredited representatives of any political community. I would guess that the majority of Church of Ireland people in Northern Ireland are unionists of one sort or another and most Church of Ireland people in the Republic of Ireland are broadly nationalist. Probably there is also a substantial minority (particularly) of under-40s in both jurisdictions who would class themselves as “neither” or “other”. Fortunately there are a large number of elected representatives from political parties or political communities who are able and willing to speak for all these groups.

So as a Church Leader I do not speak for, with, or to the Church, or to broader society in that way. It is not for me as a Church Leader to parade the political affiliation of Church of Ireland people in those terms. In many ways, their political or constitutional affiliation is none of my business. This alignment of denominational and political affiliation has been a feature of our history and has only succeeded in making many in society suspicious of where the Church’s conclusive loyalty really lies. In doing so, it has impeded the Church’s usefulness in the world and has at times also cheapened the Gospel and its implications.

The God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ is not a Unionist or a Nationalist, or a ‘Neither’. He is the Sovereign Lord of all peoples, a God of justice and generosity, who desires the good of all. For those of us whose churches are organised on an all-island basis, this is especially important to remember.’

However, in order to be a blessing and not a curse to the world, and to help shape the communities and countries in which we live, we must reshape our own life and for that reason perhaps it is worthwhile reflecting on the common interests of church and society, or where these concerns overlap – that is in the area of citizenship. Of what it means to be a good citizen. What are the distinguishing characteristics of a citizen in the modern world? In the ancient world, the world, say, of the New Testament, the answer was obvious enough. A citizen was someone who was not a slave. He or she was someone whose choices and identity weren’t owned by someone else.

Or, as the lawyers today would say, someone who had the liberty to dispose of his or her own acts. Just like a citizen in the ancient world a modern citizen is someone who has a voice in the community, who has certain legal protections and who has a significant say in the choices of his or her own life. So the citizen has the personal dignity of making a contribution to the community or society where they live – in the vision shared by the community. To be a citizen is to be responsible for maintaining your environment, both your personal and social environment.

And the idea of citizenship was very important in the early days of Christianity. The Greek word which we translate as ‘church’ was the word used in the ancient world for an assembly of citizens. The Church didn’t make up a new word for what they understood themselves to be when they gathered for worship or for debate; they simply used the familiar word that meant a gathering of citizens – of people who were guaranteed a voice and guaranteed responsibility. From the very start the Church said to its members that, regardless of the political arrangements around you, there is another civic space in which you have non-negotiable rights and a gift to share, a place where you have the dignity of being a decision-maker, able to contribute to the place where you live. And all of this had consequences for the wider community. Today it still has consequences for the communities you and I are part of.

Early Christianity was not an opting out of political or social life and conversation. It did not aim to remove people from civic responsibility, but Christianity is where the deepest kind of civic responsibility was nurtured and carried out into the world. In some cases, the depth of that citizenship came into conflict with the political expectations of the State with very tragic results. That is one of the reasons why Christianity almost disappears from the official record between the ending of the canonical period until the reign of Constantine, surfacing only sporadically in the record of martyrdoms.

Part of the purpose of Christian community is to learn to treat people as capable of civic dignity and freedom; as people capable of contributing to their nearer and wider social and political environment by free decision taken in consultation. From that point of view, the citizen assemblies which we call ‘the Church’, including this General Synod, are places where we argue and debate about what we understand is good for the whole of society.


And the new things we have to bring need not be and should not be in conflict with our older gifts. There has been a growing interest recently in spiritual tourism and in what might be thought of as the original form of spiritual tourism – pilgrimage. In a world full of speed and deadlines, fast food, transactions, and consumerism, people seem to be waking up to the need to slow down and for being relational rather than transactional. Pilgrimage, an activity where one engages in a journey of meaningfulness, is an antidote to a materialistic world.

We are blessed in the Church of Ireland to have many places of pilgrimage in our care, these places are witnesses to the good news that have spoken quietly through the generations, their very presence proclaiming our connection to something greater. Many people who have wandered away from church institutions are seeking such a relational experience as the Church is called to proclaim and offer. The very people who may be receptive to what the church has to say to the world are those who are drawn to this modern revival of pilgrimage.

As well as many of our churches being destinations of pilgrimage, we also have many churches that are close to or alongside historic pilgrim paths whose popularity, having waned for so long, are now growing again. These churches and this new popularity of pilgrimage offers us a wonderful opportunity for engagement and maybe many opportunities for pioneer ministry to those who may have wandered away from the Church or been brought up away from the Church, who might be receptive to our message, to whom we have something to say and whom may have the ears to listen.

I know that Máirt Hanley and the people behind the Community of Brendan the Navigator (Cumann Breandan Naofa) are planning to do some work to connect churches with an interest and perhaps a role to play in such an outreach. This should fit in neatly with the Church’s Pioneer Ministry work and the community hopes that some of the Pioneer Ministry projects would have a pilgrimage aspect, which they will keenly support.

The Body of Christ. His voice and His Heart; remembering that Jesus spoke with such power because He loved silence.


Pioneer Ministry, pilgrimage, and civic involvement are all ways in which a Church like ours, which expresses its mission largely in terms of pastoral engagement, can be reshaped for its contemporary vocation by deepening our Catholic and Apostolic inheritance. Another test of our seriousness in that vocation will be to ensure that our organs of governance and the general life of our Church reflects the ethnic diversity of this island more fully.

It has been said again and again that the ethnic and cultural make up of this island has changed almost beyond recognition. That begs the question of why so few people of colour are in our Sunday congregations or on vestries, committees and synods. Even we try to excuse ourselves by noting that there are few enough people from other ethnicities in our Church, we need to ask why that is the case. People from such backgrounds come to this island with a lively faith and with fresh ideas and, being honest with ourselves, many try us and end up going elsewhere.

At Confirmation services Sunday by Sunday, I say that it will be the parish’s “responsibility to encourage the newly confirmed in their faith so that the whole church may be built up recognising the diverse gifts of all its members”. The same should be true of the ‘newly arrived’ – at the very least to ensure that they don’t spend the whole of their time in the Church of Ireland in the waiting room.

I make many excuses to myself about why this is so and have come to the conclusion that prejudices – including my own – are very deep seated and therefore out of view. As such I should treat prejudice a bit like I treated Covid: assume I have it, realise how poisonous and infectious it is, and do everything to guard against it in order to eradicate it.

It has been a privilege to convene the little reference group of clergy, readers and others from a great diversity of ethnic backgrounds and from all over the Church of Ireland to help and advise me in this task as we try to ‘mainstream’ the work so that it becomes less of a project and becomes more and more part of the ordinary business of every committee and responsible body within the Church.


The ethnic diversity challenge is a newish one and the work of integration is really only beginning. However one very specific area of work which has been reported to the General Synod over the past ten years has now come to an end in the winding up of the Centenaries Working Group. In Ireland, the past is not a foreign country. It is often tight on our heels and we have a peculiar genius for finding a reason from the past to stop the present from becoming the future. We turn political debate and sometime turn even the worship of the living God into a form of ancestor worship.

For that reason, back in 2012 when the Decade of Centenaries began we, as a Church approached the whole project with a good deal of caution. However over the past ten years, we have engaged very constructively with the historical events under consideration and with the many community, academic and civic bodies which have been involved in a similar task.

Our engagement has been consistent and nuanced and, most importantly, it was shaped out of our authentic pastoral experience. In the many events, lectures, publications and seminars which we organised as a Church we respected the nuances and complexities of the past and were never afraid to be surprised by history. Many of the events which we considered had the potential to flare up again in quite destructive ways in the present. I think we are all indebted to the judicious chairmanship of the Bishop of Cork in how the most recent commemorations have been handled.

Another aspect of our past which can suddenly resurface in the present is around the subject of Safeguarding. I think it is fair to say that as a Church we have been doing our best to ensure that our current policies and practices for safeguarding both children and adults who find themselves vulnerable are modelled on good practice worldwide. We have professional staff working at the centre of the Church to advise and to provide guidance. The Safeguarding Board, which includes a number of outside experts, meets around eight time a year to consider and update policies; it has a high degree of independence in its latitude for action. The Representative Body and the Allocations Committee are alive to the resources needed to carry out the work of Safeguarding both efficiently and compassionately.


The last topic I wish to touch on before I mercifully conclude may well be the most important of all, because it affects the good of all: creation care. This will require inspiration and engagement at all levels of the Church. For instance, we have had an environmental policy in relation to our investments for many years and it is regularly updated and presented to General Synod for amendment and approval.

In a further development the RCB as a whole has devised a Climate Change Policy to cover all of its operations (not simply investments) which no doubt will be discussed during the Report of the RB in one of our online sessions later in the month.

One of the theological contributions of the Anglican Communion to global mission is our Five Marks of Mission, summarised as to: tell, teach, tend, transform and to treasure. This last mark of mission, treasure, is explained as safeguarding and caring for creation. Over the last decade, many of us have come to realise the impact our lifestyle is having on the planet, and as we are reminded this is the only planet that we have and share with other peoples and with God’s creation. The Five Marks of Mission recognise our duty as God’s people to safeguard and protect God’s creation. Yet, we are left with the question of how to live, work and worship in a manner that protects and respects creation. Specifically for the Representative Church Body: what role can we play in leading, encouraging and resourcing parishes in their fulfilment of this mission?

Following consideration by the RB Executive Committee it was agreed to focus on the four high impact and tangible categories of energy usage, transportation, waste, and biodiversity. In terms of leadership, the RCB will seek to share stories from across the Church of Ireland to show what can be done. In terms of guidance, the office will prepare resources to be published on Parish Resources, and in terms of grants, the Church Fabric and Development Fund will provide financial support for diocesan initiatives (such as the Flourish project in Armagh), conferences (such as the Care for Creation Conference), and enhanced property grants to support energy efficiency initiatives for churches. But the RCB can’t do this on its own and we are grateful to all those, some of whom are members of General Synod, who share a passion for protecting creation and on whom we rely to partner with the RCB in this shared mission.

The work of the RB is of course central to our mission as a Church. But it is not everything and in many ways will be ineffective if the whole practice of creation care does not take hold in our parishes. In many ways the backbone of the Church of Ireland continues to be the rural parish or group of parishes. I have said before that farmers and the farming community are the most visible agents of creation care but are also the most vulnerable when it comes to getting the power balance right between the farmer, the processor, the supermarket and the state. And that is a power imbalance which we as a Church should at least have a say in addressing.

We cannot change the world, but we can change what we are responsible for. It is for that reason that I am looking forward to hearing from the group of young people from Mullingar who have been working on and developing the Lighten our Darkness creation care programme in and around Mullingar. They will have much to say to us in their creative enthusiasm and no doubt Canon Alastair Graham will tell us anything that they have left out.

We have begun a bit of a copycat programme in the Diocese of Armagh, and called it Flourish. Like Lighten our Darkness, it is an intentional way of trying to involve parishes in creative ways to care for the creation which God gave to us as “good” and which we are in danger of leaving to our grandchildren as “very bad”. It would be my heart’s desire that dioceses and parishes throughout the Church of Ireland would adopt similar projects adapted to their own circumstances so that we can say we have done our little bit to allow “the whole earth to praise His Name.”


Before I make brief closing remarks, I do not want this Presidential Address to pass without acknowledging the continuing bravery and suffering of the people of Ukraine in their fight against unprovoked aggression, not to overlook the assiduous work and dedication of the many people on this island to welcome, accommodate and provide for refugees. May God prosper the work.

In closing I have to say that this has been a year in which I have been involved in some momentous occasions and events in Northern Ireland, Ireland and in Great Britain, not least in the memorial services and funeral of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth and at the recent Coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla. As part of the Irish Church Leaders Group, I have also had meetings with Uachtaráin na hÉireann and engagement of one sort or another with members of the Irish Government and members of the Oireachtas, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Northern Ireland Office. In all of these engagements, both formal and informal, I have tried to reflect the unique perspective which the Church of Ireland brings.

So, in closing if I could thank you for words of encouragement, advice and critical comment which you have given me since we last met; I have no doubt I will hear a few more over the next two days.


Coronation ‘Celebration Service’ at St Columb’s Cathedral

Church leaders from the four main Christian denominations in the North West joined the Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, in St Columb’s Cathedral, this evening, for a Service of Celebration for the Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla. The distinguished guests present included His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for the County Borough of Londonderry, Mr Ian Crowe MBE DL, and the Deputy Mayor of Derry City and Strabane, Cllr Angela Dobbins.

The sermon was preached by the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster who, only four days earlier, had been in Westminster Abbey for the Coronation Service. Bishop Andrew told the congregation that the Cathedral they were sitting in had been built almost 400 years earlier, during the reign of the first King Charles. The reign of King Charles III was, he said, “light years away” from the 17th century religious conflicts on this island.

“Now, in this Cathedral, built in the reign of Charles I, we come to celebrate and to pray for the reign of Charles III. And, as he begins his reign, these are certainly less violent times on these islands but, nevertheless, they’re times of great challenge and times of division.”

Bishop Andrew specified a number of these: the cost of living crisis, concern for our future, and challenges with how government acted and behaved. And he said that division seemed to be the hallmark of modern day society.

“On the eve of her own Coronation, the Late Queen Elizabeth said this: ‘Coronations are a declaration of our hope for the future.’ Saturday’s Service, in all its grandeur and pomp and majesty and splendour, I think shone a light of hope into days of challenge and days of division. It shone that light of hope in great clarity through some of the themes that were highlighted during the Service.”

The heart of last Saturday’s Coronation Service, Bishop Andrew said, was the call to the monarch – and, indeed, to every one of us – to be people of service, just as Jesus had been. King Charles had shown his devotion to service over many, many years. “That willingness of the King to lend Royal support and presence has lifted up and blessed many. He tells us that he has come not to be served, but to serve. Our greatest dignity, and even our greatest majesty, is found in service because it is in service that you and I are most Christ-like. As we seek to serve, as we seek to help out, as we seek to put ourselves in the place of others and lift them up and support them we are at our most Christ-like. When we are prepared to serve, we put aside pride and self-interest, and we look to the needs of others, [to] the greater good of society and the world around us. Saturday’s Service was a reminder of that, of the dignity of service, of the majesty of service, and a challenge not only to the King but to each one of us in a world of challenge and division.”

The light of hope in the Service also shone brightly, Bishop Andrew suggested, because it was a celebration of the diversity of our nation.”We saw young and old, the cultural diversity of these islands celebrated and on display. It celebrated the diversity that is actually a God-given gift. Whenever we open scripture, we find diversity everywhere. We find it in the very early days of the Church, whenever the Church was born on the day of Pentecost, we hear about Parthians and Medes, Elamites, residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya beyond, in Cyrene, and visitors from Rome. It was the known world and yet it talks of difference, it talks of diversity and it celebrates diversity in the life of God. And in the very heart of God, we see diversity yet unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit – three persons, yet one God. And we’re told that in Christ there’s no Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. We could add to it today that in Christ there’s no Protestant or Catholic. Diversity and the celebration of diversity shone a beautiful light of hope in that Service.”

Bishop Andrew said the city of Derry-Londonderry was at its best when we celebrated or even cherished our diversity, when we valued and honoured the place of each other’s culture within our city. When we didn’t do that, we were all diminished. “My hope is for a city where each of us, each of our cultures, each of our traditions are valued and cherished by all of us, as we share this place that we love so much. We are at our best when we are building relations rather than tearing them down. We are at our best when we pull people towards us rather than push them away.”

The third sign of hope from Saturday’s Coronation Service was the fact that it placed worship and reverence for Almighty God at the heart of all that happened. “In our increasingly secular world, where faith is often sidelined and often – let’s be frank – looked down upon, I hope the Coronation showed us the colour, the texture, the grounding, the hope, the equipping, the blessing that faith alone brings to life, that will simply not be found in the desert of antipathy and scepticism. That faith in Christ can make all the difference. That worship of Christ brought that sense of awesomeness to what we witnessed on Saturday. And that faith in Christ can make all the difference to you and to me.”

This evening’s Service in St Columb’s Cathedral was led by the Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, assisted by the Cathedral’s Pastoral Assistant, Rev Canon John Merrick. The readings were delivered by the Bishop of Derry, Most Rev Dr Donal McKeown; the Moderator of Derry & Donegal Presbytery, Rev Gordon McCracken; and the Superintendent of the Northwest District of the Methodist Church, Rev Dr Stephen Skuce.

The Service was sung by The Cathedral Choir, The Cathedral Chamber Choir and The Cathedral Girls’ Choir, directed and accompanied by the Organist and Master of the Choristers, Dr Derek Collins, and the Assistant Organist Nicky Morton.