Beginning in October 2003 The Church of Ireland Gazette began a series of monthly articles introducing the new Book of Common Prayer.
On this page you will find links to the Gazette articles showing the author and the date on which they were published.
Please note that all articles are © The Church of Ireland Gazette. Links are posted here with the kind permission of the editor.
- Looking forward to BCP 2004 – Canon Ricky Rountree, Central Liturgical Officer (03/10/03)
- The General Synod last May marked the completion of the legislation needed to secure the contents of the new edition of the Book of Common Prayer. The forthcoming Book of Common Prayer will replace the BCP of 1926, the Alternative Prayer Book of 1984 and the Alternative Occasional Services of 1993, and will comprise the main services of the Church of Ireland in both traditional and contemporary language.
- The General Synod last May marked the completion of the legislation needed to secure the contents of the new edition of the Book of Common Prayer. The forthcoming Book of Common Prayer will replace the BCP of 1926, the Alternative Prayer Book of 1984 and the Alternative Occasional Services of 1993, and will comprise the main services of the Church of Ireland in both traditional and contemporary language.
- BCP 2004 – The key background principles – Dean Michael Burrows (07/11/03)
- The Church is again to have one book as the normative expression of its worship and doctrine. In this book material in contemporary language and material in traditional language will sit comfortably alongside one another and indeed be mutually interpretative.
- The Church is again to have one book as the normative expression of its worship and doctrine. In this book material in contemporary language and material in traditional language will sit comfortably alongside one another and indeed be mutually interpretative.
- BCP 2004 – Why a book? Why this book? – Canon Brian Mayne, Editor BCP 2004 (05/12/03)
- “The Church should use overhead projectors or PowerPoint for the congregational parts of the service!” “Books are out!” Such assertions are being made. However, I don’t see Waterstones or Easons closing down.
- “The Church should use overhead projectors or PowerPoint for the congregational parts of the service!” “Books are out!” Such assertions are being made. However, I don’t see Waterstones or Easons closing down.
- BCP 2004 – Bishop Harold Miller (02/01/04)
- In the early days of Grove Books, a title was published called Freedom in a Framework. That is not a bad description of modern Anglican liturgy, no matter which part of the world you may go to.
- In the early days of Grove Books, a title was published called Freedom in a Framework. That is not a bad description of modern Anglican liturgy, no matter which part of the world you may go to.
- BCP 2004 – Questions and Answers – Canon Ricky Rountree, Central Liturgical Officer (16/01/04)
- Focus on New Book of Common Prayer: The advent of a new edition of the Book of Common Prayer has led to many questions being asked. The following are questions received by the Communications Office of the Church of Ireland, to which the Central Liturgical Officer, Canon Ricky Rountree, gives his answers.
- Focus on New Book of Common Prayer: The advent of a new edition of the Book of Common Prayer has led to many questions being asked. The following are questions received by the Communications Office of the Church of Ireland, to which the Central Liturgical Officer, Canon Ricky Rountree, gives his answers.
- Liturgy and nature – Canon John McCullagh – General Synod Education Officer (06/02/04)
- Many church members will feel that the pattern of worship experienced on a regular basis has inculcated and reinforced faith and church teaching almost by imperceptible osmosis from the time of childhood.
- Many church members will feel that the pattern of worship experienced on a regular basis has inculcated and reinforced faith and church teaching almost by imperceptible osmosis from the time of childhood.
- The Celebration of the Eucharist – Archbishop John Neill (05/03/04)
- The Book of Common Prayer (2004) will contain two orders for the celebration of the Holy Communion. The first is that which has always been in the BCP, though with small verbal changes. Holy Communion Two is the modern service. It might be used as if it were virtually the same as the APB, but that would be to miss the way in which liturgy has developed in a generation.
- The Book of Common Prayer (2004) will contain two orders for the celebration of the Holy Communion. The first is that which has always been in the BCP, though with small verbal changes. Holy Communion Two is the modern service. It might be used as if it were virtually the same as the APB, but that would be to miss the way in which liturgy has developed in a generation.
- BCP 2004 – Christian initiation – Canon Ricky Rountree, Central Liturgical Officer (02/04/04)
- The BCP (2004) includes services for Holy Baptism in both traditional language and contemporary language. The traditional language service is that derived from the BCP (1926). The contemporary language service, Holy Baptism Two, is among the newer material in the new edition of the Book of Common Prayer.
- The BCP (2004) includes services for Holy Baptism in both traditional language and contemporary language. The traditional language service is that derived from the BCP (1926). The contemporary language service, Holy Baptism Two, is among the newer material in the new edition of the Book of Common Prayer.
- BCP 2004 – Pastoral Services – Canon Brian Mayne, Editor BCP 2004 (07/05/04)
- Marriage, Ministry to those who are Sick and Funeral Services are sometimes called ‘occasional services’, for they are used with individuals or small groups on ‘occasions.’
- Marriage, Ministry to those who are Sick and Funeral Services are sometimes called ‘occasional services’, for they are used with individuals or small groups on ‘occasions.’
- New Prayer Book authorised for use from Trinity Sunday 2004 – (04/06/04)
- The Book of Common Prayer 2004 has been authorised for use throughout the Church of Ireland from this Sunday, Trinity Sunday (6th June), marking a major milestone in the history of Anglican worship in Ireland.
- The Book of Common Prayer 2004 has been authorised for use throughout the Church of Ireland from this Sunday, Trinity Sunday (6th June), marking a major milestone in the history of Anglican worship in Ireland.
- BCP 2004 – Ordination Two – Bishop Harold Miller (02/07/04)
- Those who had the opportunity to attend an ordination last month will most probably have experienced Ordination Services Two in the 2004 Book of Common Prayer. So it is the contemporary services in particular which we will look at in this short article.