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Commemorative plaque dedicated in memory of Bishop James Mehaffey

Relatives of the late former Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Dr James Mehaffey, attended a Service in St Columb’s Cathedral, this morning, during which a plaque was dedicated to the late bishop’s memory.

The dedication was performed by one of his successors, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, as the former bishop’s widow, Mrs Thelma Mehaffey, and the couple’s daughter Wendy and son Tim, looked on.

The Service of Choral Matins was led by the Dean of the Cathedral, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, who was assisted by the Parish of Templemore’s Pastoral Assistant, Rev Canon John Merrick.

Among those who provided music for the service was the Philip Mehaffey Memorial Organ Scholar, Lukas Lynch. The scholarship was set up by Bishop and Mrs Mehaffey in memory of their late son.

In his sermon, Bishop Andrew described how appropriate the first reading – Jeremiah 1:4-10 – was for the occasion. In the reading, he said, we saw a man who faced great challenges. God chose Jeremiah to be a prophet and effectively told him his job was going to be a terrible one, a difficult one, faced with opposition and heartache.

Bishop Andrew said the foundations of Bishop Mehaffey’s life and ministry were not far from the prophet Jeremiah. “His ministry was not far from what Jeremiah was called to do: at times to pluck up and tear down things that were wrong; to call out that which was in our society that pulled us apart. And then the other part of Jeremiah’s ministry was to build up and to plant.

“And I can’t help but think, today – and maybe today of all days, in this city – without Jim’s ministry, building up and planting, I truly believe we would be in a much worse place now than we are this day, and for that, every one of us must be thankful to almighty God.

“And for that, in generations to come, many generations to come – just like visitors who’ve come to this Cathedral and heard of Bishop Alexander and Mrs Alexander, have looked at the other plaques and monuments around this cathedral that have heralded the ministry and in fluence of good people – for generations to come, people will hear of the ministry of Jim Mehaffey, a man fully known and fully loved, a man blessed by the presence of God and equipped by his holy spirit, who tore down those attitudes that were wrong, and built us up into a better place, and planted grace into our hearts.

“Whenever I read today’s reading, in one way I couldn’t believe how appropriate it was for someone who built up so much, even physically. You know, today, as you and I drove to the cathedral, you might’ve seen the police presence outside Bishopsgate Hotel, because the Taoiseach is there for the commemoration later on today. The Taoiseach is in the Bishopsgate Hotel that came about because of the Inner City Trust, came about because of people like Jim Mehaffey, who weren’t prepared just to leave this place in rubble and in ruin, but to rebuild – and to rebuild better and to rebuild stronger.

“As we look back into the rubble of division, into the wreckage of pain, Jim’s example to us is to build up: to build up better, to build up stronger, and to look to the future. He was able to do that because, like Jeremiah, Bishop Jim knew that God knew him, that he was fully known, fully loved, that the presence of God walked in him, and that he was equipped by the Spirit.”

Bishop Forster recalled Bishop Mehaffey’s funeral, two years ago this month. “When we gathered in this cathedral, [Bishop Mehaffey’s daughter] Wendy told us that one of the last things her dad said was this – in its simplicity beautiful, but in its profundity incredible – simply this: ‘One helps the other.’ One helps the other. For me, that is the essence of the Kingdom of God. One helps the other.

“In our challenges, great or small, may Jim’s – if I may say it – last sermon to all of us be his living legacy: that one helps the other; and that you and I will go on helping the other, because, like Jeremiah of old, like Bishop James Mehaffey, that we would know that whatever the challenges were, we faced them together, because we were fully known and fully loved; because God journeyed with us; and because we were equipped by his spirit. One helps the other. Jim Mehaffey helped us. May we be people who in thankfulness live out the sermon of his life: to build up and to help the other.”

The music at today’s service was provided by the Gentlemen of the Cathedral Choir and the Cathedral Choristers. The Organist and Master of the Choristers was Dr Derek Collins and the Assistant Organist was Mr Nicky Morton.

New Rector in Drumachose

The Parish of Drumachose, in Limavady, has a new incumbent. Rev Canon Aonghus Mayes was instituted as Rector of the Parish at a Service in Christ Church, Limavady on Friday 21st January. He succeeds Rev Canon Sam McVeigh who retired in January last year after a 30-year incumbency.

The Service of Institution was led by Rt Rev Andrew Forster, who welcomed Canon Mayes back to the diocese where he had first learned about faith – growing up in All Saints, Clooney, where his late father, Canon John Mayes, had been a hugely popular rector.

The Institution was something of a family affair for the new rector’s kin. His mother, Alison, and sister Victoria, were in the front pew, looking on, while Victoria’s husband, Rev Canon Jonathan Pierce, preached the sermon.

In the address, Canon Pierce recalled serving with Canon Mayes a number of years ago, in East Belfast. “Where I work, in St Finnian’s, Cregagh, people remember Aonghus with great affection, even though he’s left 11 years. What they remember is his attentiveness in visiting when they were going through rough times. They remember his sense of humour and his fun. And while this is undoubtedly an exciting and positive day for this parish, I know that it’s also a sad day for the Parish of Moy, where Aonghus has spent 11 very happy years, and I know that people had been exceptionally kind and supportive to him in his ministry there.”

When a new rector arrived into a new situation, Canon Pierce said, there often seem to be so many things to do from the word go, but he advised Canon Mayes and his parishioners not to be too hasty. “Before rushing into anything, study the scriptures, spend time in God’s holy presence asking that question: what do you want us to do here, Lord, right now? How can we build up this community in faith? How can we serve our local community best? How can we radiate Christ’s love and his hope into some of the dark places and the dark situations that surround us at the present time?

“St Paul speaks about being watchful and thankful in his prayers. And what I think this means is taking stock of where God has already been at work and building on those things. It’s making time and space to see those areas where together – as a community of faith – you can make a really, really important contribution to the life of this town and the surrounding area. All of that takes discernment, it takes prayer and it takes resources, but once the vision is there – and it comes from God – the resources always tend to follow.”

Canon Pierce encouraged the congregation in Drumachose to take to heart three principles St Paul sets before us: the centrality of prayer in all things; the importance of relationships (and particularly how we relate to those outside of church); and the importance of teamwork and supporting each other in ministry.”

Bishop Andrew began the service by telling Canon Mayes that the “necessary modesty” of the congregation’s size – owing to Covid regulations – in no way reflected the warmth and sincerity of the huge welcome he would receive from the parishioners of Drumachose, and the whole community in Limavady and in the Diocese. “We welcome you home, to your home diocese of Derry and Raphoe,” the Bishop said. “You’ve been away too long.”

Speaking after the service, Canon Mayes paid tribute to his “amazing” former parishioners in Moy. “I will never be able to thank [you] for the love, support, prayers and encouragement you have given me throughout my time as your rector.” He also thanked his new parishioners in Drumachose for the warmth of their welcome. “I have to say, it’s not a little daunting the thought of following a much-loved rector of over 30 years, and also added to that the prospect of getting to know the names of some 1,400 new faces or, it’s probably better to say, getting to know the names of fourteen hundred new face masks.” The new rector told them what he would value most were, firstly, their prayers for the parish, its future, and for him; and, secondly, their faithfulness with regard to weekly worship “no matter what, this coming year”.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Bishop Andrew Forster and Bishop Donal McKeown led members of different Christian denominations on Londonderry’s west bank in a prayer walk around the iconic city walls, on Tuesday 18th January, to mark the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The theme for 2022 is ‘We saw his star in the east’. The weather was remarkably benign for the walk, with the rain holding off for its entire duration.

Participants gathered by the car park below St Columb’s Cathedral, where the two bishops led them in a brief prayer. They were then sent on their way – socially distanced and in their own ‘bubbles’ – to walk round the Walls, starting their circuit at the steps beside St Augustine’s Church.

The groups stopped at various points along the route to pray together, using a resource prepared specially for the occasion. They were invited to pray that political leaders and elected representatives would be united in governing in everyone’s interests; to pray for people who had lost their livelihoods in the pandemic; for doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers; for residents and staff in care homes; for those seeking a cure for Covid; for people “enslaved by addiction”; for young people, teachers and all involved in education; for members of the city’s emergency services; and for those in the arts sector, which had experienced much hardship during the pandemic. The groups were also invited to reflect on the city’s shared Columban heritage and to give thanks for the diversity which had enriched the city.

Bishop Andrew’s Christmas Message 2021

Recently, at the Joint Emergency Services Carol Service in St Columb’s Cathedral, we gave thanks for the paramedics, firefighters, police officers and Foyle Search and Rescue volunteers who work so hard to keep us safe. The omicron variant was already loose in the community, and some felt deflated or worried, even frightened.

Suddenly, though, as the choir sang, a solitary young voice soared high into the vault. It belonged to a beautiful little girl, who simply stole the show. ‘Away in a manger’ can rarely have been sung with such gusto. For a few precious moments, the adults around her were uplifted by her unbridled joy at the wonder of Christmas.

Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, Isaiah prophesied the Saviour’s coming. The wolf would live with the lamb, he said; the leopard would lie down with the goat; the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child would lead them.

This Christmas, many of our neighbours need to be uplifted, as they worry about Covid; wrestle with the soaring cost of living, mica or struggling businesses; or because they’re grieving.

At the carol service, that little girl blessed us as we celebrated the nativity. This Christmas – amid the uncertainty and fear – let us give thanks for those who care for us and welcome Jesus into our hearts, with his gifts of faith and hope and love. Let us trust the Christ child to lead us into a brighter future.

New Cathedral Youth Club “a joy to behold” says Dean

The Education Minister, Michelle McIlveen, was among political, community and religious leaders who gathered in the Fountain Estate in Londonderry on Tuesday 14th December for the official opening of the newly refurbished and extended Cathedral Youth Club. 

The Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, said the modern, state-of-the-art premises was “a joy to behold”. It served the young people and the whole community in the Fountain Estate and beyond. 

“The Cathedral Youth Club was founded 49 years ago, in 1972,” Dean Stewart told guests, “by Jeanette Warke, her late husband David, and the Dean of Derry at that time, George Good. The club met initially in London Street and had a membership of 11 members. Today, there are 86 members of the Youth Club. The club moved to these premises in 1980. 
“Cathedral Youth Club was founded at the beginning of the Troubles to provide a place of learning, recreation and social gathering for the young people of this area and it has fulfilled its role admirably for almost five decades. 

“The youth club is managed by a wonderful lady, Jeanette Warke, whose vision, dedication and enthusiasm has encouraged so many young people and volunteers over the years. Jeanette is a lady who works passionately for the people of the Fountain Estate and of this city, and this centre is here largely because of her vision and drive.” 
Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant for the City of Londonderry, Dr Angela Garvey, said it was a special day for the whole Warke family and especially for Jeanette. “You work in sometimes difficult circumstances,” Dr Garvey told Mrs Warke, “but you’ve always managed to try and think outside the box – in fact not to be kept inside the box – and you’ve always wanted to share with your whole community, and I think that is one of the trademarks of the Cathedral Youth Club.” 

The presence of Mrs Warke’s son, Graham – in his official capacity as Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District – added poignancy to the occasion. “For me as Mayor” he said, “this is a special one. When I was born, I grew up with this youth club in the Fountain community and it’s always been in our hearts. I hear his name mentioned, there – my father, David – and he’ll be looking down on us and seeing what’s here for the young people of the Fountain, and he’ll be so proud.” 

Alderman Warke said his mother had expanded on the founders’ early vision. “You have a family – and it’s not the Warke family, it’s all the young ones around this community and further afield – who mean so much to you and you’re an absolute credit to this city.” The Mayor looked forward to many more families and generations coming through the centre. 
The Education Minister, whose department supported the premises’ expansion with £640,000 in funding, said she was pleased to be present to celebrate the official opening of the newly refurbished facility. “It’s vitally important,” Miss McIlveen said, “to continue to provide young people with a safe and friendly environment, in which to meet and develop their own individual skills, which in turn would allow them to enhance these skills within their local community and hopefully improve their own educational outlook.” The minister hoped that the refurbishment would allow Cathedral Youth Club to continue for another 50 years. 

Local MLA Gary Middleton said that being a local person, he saw at first hand the great work that went on in the Cathedral Youth Club. “Whether it be patchwork, or computer classes, or youth groups and cookery classes, all of it happens underneath the roof here at the youth club. So, this additional money that has been secured – that’s been worked hard for – by Jeanette and her team here at the youth club, that will ensure that for the next 50 years there’s a legacy in place for Cathedral Youth Club, going forward.” Mr Middleton said the Warke family should be very proud that they had sustained the club through their leadership and the support of the Fountain community. 

Mrs Warke thanked the many partners who had helped to make the new centre possible, including the club’s volunteers. “It’s alright giving me all this glory,” she said, “but it’s the volunteers who make this club.” She also paid tribute to the Fountain community who had put up with much disruption while the refurbishment work had been carried out, and thanked the church leaders for their support. 

After the speeches, the Mayor unveiled a plaque on the ground floor of the centre to mark the occasion.

Emergency Services acknowledged at Carol Service in St Columb’s Cathedral

Leaders of the four main Christian Churches in Londonderry came together on Monday evening, 13th December, for St Columb’s Cathedral’s traditional Emergency Services Carol Service and a Service of Thanksgiving and Praise for the Emergency Services. The service was led by the Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, who was assisted by the Cathedral’s Pastoral Assistant, Rev Canon John Merrick. 

Dean Stewart said it was a particular pleasure to welcome members of the Emergency Services in the city. Uniformed members of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, the Fire and Rescue Service, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, Foyle Search and Rescue, St John Ambulance and British Red Cross were in attendance. 

“All of us have, in one way or another, seen at first hand the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic,” Dean Stewart said. “It has impacted on the way that we have been able or unable to live our lives. Members of the Emergency Services, who have been for so long on the front line, have earned our admiration and respect. We can all remember those evenings that we clapped to express our thanks. And, tonight, we again express our thanks to you and your colleagues for having kept us safe and for continuing to keep us safe in these uncertain times.” 

During the service, readings were delivered by the Minister of Carlisle Road Methodist Church, Rev John Montgomery; the Moderator of Derry and Donegal Presbytery, Rev Keith Hibbert; the Bishop of Derry, Dr Donal McKeown; the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster; and by Canon Merrick. 

Among those in church for the service were Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant for the City of Londonderry, Dr Angela Garvey; the Queen’s Lord Lieutenant for the County of Londonderry, Alison Millar; Paula McIntyre MBE, High Sheriff of the County of Londonderry; Linda Heaney, High Sheriff of Derry City and Strabane District Council; and the Mayor of Derry City and Strabane, Alderman Graham Warke. 

There was strict social distancing in place during the service, with those present required to wear face coverings and sit in alternating pews.

Charity begins at home for St Canice’s parishioners

Five local charities have benefitted from sales at St Canice’s Parish Church’s thrift shop, New Beginnings. The groups – which were chosen on a cross-community basis – were Foyle Search and Rescue, Londonderry Orphans Society, St Vincent de Paul, North West Community First Responders and Foyle Women’s Aid. 

The current New Beginnings premises opened last June in the Benbow Industrial Estate, on the outskirts of Eglinton village. Its proceeds are reinvested in the local community through the St Canice’s Hall Restoration Appeal – which aims to replace the parish hall destroyed in the August 2017 flood – and by supporting local charities. 

The cheque presentations were made by the Rector of St Canice’s, Rev Canon Paul Hoey, who was joined by New Beginnings’ coordinator Roberta Sinclair and churchwarden Elaine Way. Representatives of three of the chosen organisations turned up in person at the shop in Eglinton on Monday 13th December to collect donations. They were Noel McLaughlin of North West Community First Responders; Rita Hull of St Vincent de Paul; and Ian Connor from Foyle Search and rescue. 

New Beginnings is described by Canon Hoey as “a place of caring and sharing for the whole community”. It has many items for sale – including giftware, jewellery, clothing, handbags, crafts, books and lots and lots of decorations – all donated by local people.

Columba 1500 Service

The Archbishop of Armagh, Most Rev’d John McDowell, was in Raphoe on Tuesday evening (7th December, 2021) to preach at a Service of Choral Evensong in St Eunan’s Cathedral which celebrated the 1,500th anniversary of the birth of St Columba.

The Service, which was led by the Rural Dean for Raphoe, Rev Canon David Crooks, featured the Choir of St Columb’s Cathedral, Londonderry, accompanied by its Organist, Dr Derek Collins. The Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, also took part.

In his sermon, Archbishop McDowell said he was delighted to be in the cathedral for the first time. “We have learned, funnily enough in Covid,” he said, “when we weren’t allowed to come into church, we have learned just how important buildings are to us. We were complaining for years about them being a millstone around our necks but they’re very often the places where we first encountered the holiness of God, where we have had significant moments in our lives and in the formation of our faith, and we cherish them: there’s much more to them than simply stone and wood.”

The Archbishop disclosed a “connection” with the patron saint whose birth was being commemorated and with the church in which the service was taking place: Archbishop McDowell was ordained a deacon on St Columba’s Day and was consecrated Bishop on St Eunan’s Day.

The Primate chose “the great Celtic inheritance of our Church” as one of the themes for his sermon. He said the Jesus Christ whom we proclaim and Columba served was the greatest figure in human history. “It was because Columba and those like him had a faith in that greatness, and had faith in the faithfulness of God, that despite all the mistakes they made – despite the largeness, the grossness, of their sins; his temper; the people who died because of the arrogance that he had – it was because he knew that he owed Jesus Christ a debt he could never repay that he was the great apostle that he was, who spread and helped to spread the gospel on the continent of Europe.

“So, when we think of Columba, let’s not think of him as a quaint figure in a window; he was full of flesh and blood, and it was because of that – God used his weaknesses as much as his strengths, as He does with the best of His saints – we remember him, the great passion of his ministry and the example that he has left to us.”

Among those listening to the sermon in St Eunan’s were two of the four surviving crewmembers of a curragh which was rowed from Derry to Iona in 1963 to mark the 1,400th anniversary of St Columba’s voyage to the island. The pair posed for photographs with the Archbishop after the Service.

Global Day Service

Members of Derry and Raphoe Mothers’ Union heard graphic accounts illustrating the extent and impact of domestic abuse when they attended a special ‘Global Day Service’ in St Columb’s Cathedral on Saturday 27th November, 2021. The service was held in support of the organisation’s ‘No more 1-in-3’ campaign, which this year has focused on gender-based violence and sexual abuse.

Saturday’s service was led by the Diocesan MU’s outgoing chaplain, Rev Canon Katie McAteer, who was assisted by Rev Lindsey Farrell and Rev Liz Fitzgerald. They were supported by the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster, who addressed the congregation, and the Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, who symbolically blessed a basket of items for the domestic abuse services.

Canon McAteer said those gathered in the Cathedral were raising their voices “on behalf of the voiceless to say, ‘No more “1-in-3”’. We cry out to our loving, righteous God for an end to the devastating statistic that one in three women globally will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime.”

There was a poignant demonstration of solidarity with victims during a three-minute silence which was observed simultaneously in many countries. The local women sat in socially-distanced groups of three, in which the middle women covered their heads with purple scarves; these were removed as the silence ended, signifying their wish for an end to the ‘1-in-3’.

Among those present at Saturday’s service were the Queen’s Lord Lieutenant for the City of Londonderry, Dr Angela Garvey, and the Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Alderman Graham Warke. The service was addressed by women from three local organisations which help domestic abuse victims: Edel Fox from Omagh Women’s Aid; Mary McKenna from Donegal Domestic Violence Services; and Marie Brown, from Foyle Women’s Aid.

Ms Fox talked about the impact the pandemic had had on victims, and the challenges it had posed for groups like hers which sought to help victims. She said that every 17 minutes, on average, the PSNI received a phone call from someone needing help because of domestic violence.

Mary McKenna revealed that in the last year, the Donegal Domestic Violence Service had worked with women from Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Morocco, Afghanistan, Venezuela, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, South Africa, Romania, Brazil, Egypt, Sudan and Syria. “The issues all of these women will tell us about is the cultural acceptance of abuse towards women in their community.” She said the biggest fear they had was being threatened with being returned to their country of origin without their children. “For any woman, the thought of losing their children is horrific and this is what keeps many of these women where they are.”

Marie Brown, of Foyle Women’s Aid, revealed that year on year in Northern Ireland, the incidence of domestic violence had increased, and was now at “epidemic levels”. Seventy percent of the victims were female, she said, and during lockdown the number of women Foyle Women’s Aid dealt with rose by thirty per cent. Ms Brown said that eight women had lost their lives [to domestic violence] during lockdown, and another two had died since lockdown ended, “so the situation is pretty stark”.

Bishop Andrew thanked Mothers’ Union for organising Saturday’s service. “I sat at my seat in the Cathedral and whenever we turned for the three minutes of silence, and to look down the Cathedral and to see those heads covered, I found it deeply moving but also deeply distressing, distressing to see the proportion – so many people – affected by this terrible evil, and it is an evil.”

The Bishop thanked the Mothers’ Union and its Diocesan President Jacqui Armstrong for raising awareness of domestic violence, but he said that all of us – male and female – needed to “own this” and share this message. “As a man,” he said, “we must carry this message beyond these walls, that we must be the people who call out domestic violence, who challenge domestic violence, who raise awareness of domestic violence.” He said the message shouldn’t be left solely in the hands of women; men also had to be “the messengers of the wilderness and the pain that so many live with because of gender-based violence”.

MU’s Diocesan President, Ms Armstrong, said more had to be done to get to the root cause of gender-based violence. “We as a society – and it’s not just Church it’s all our communities, between our schools, the GAA, hockey clubs, Girls Brigade, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts – all of us need to work together in the North and South of Ireland, with government help, to get rid of the myths about domestic abuse and get down to the grass roots and create the healthy relationships that Adel and Mary and Marie have been talking about.”

Remembrance Sunday 2021

Local church leaders gathered with hundreds of people at the War Memorial in the centre of Londonderry on Sunday morning, 14th November 2021, for a Remembrance Sunday service. The attendance was well up on last year’s, at which numbers were badly affected by restrictions introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Among those who laid wreaths,. this morning, were the Queen’s Lord Lieutenant for the City of Londonderry, Dr Angela Garvey, and the Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Alderman Graham Warke.

The religious aspect of the ceremony was led by Rev Canon John Merrick from St Columb’s Cathedral. Readings were performed by the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Rev Andrew Forster; the Vicar General of the Derry Diocese, Fr Michael Canny; and Rev John Montgomery from Carlisle Road Methodist Church.

After the ceremony, the Dean of Derry, Very Rev Raymond Stewart, led a Service of Remembrance in St Columb’s Cathedral, where he was assisted by Canon Merrick.

In a deeply personal sermon, Bishop Forster talked to the congregation about his grandfather, Roger Charles Botley – who fought at the Battle of Ypres, and was later wounded and discharged from service – and his late uncle and godfather, RUC Constable Billy Forster, who was awarded the Queen’s Gallantry Medal for saving a man’s life as a car bomb exploded in Belfast almost 50 years ago. “I wonder who you remember today,” Bishop Andrew said, “with solemn gratitude and thankfulness, with a deep mixture of pride and grateful hearts?

“On this day, we, as a nation, fulfil our sacred duty of remembrance for those who held back the tide of war, for those who held back the tide of terrorist violence, so that you and I could sleep safely in our beds and live our lives peacefully. Today we acknowledge their service and sacrifice, and we fulfil our solemn duty by saying ‘We will remember them.’”

Sunday’s service was held in compliance with public health restrictions, which meant the traditional Poppy Appeal collection was suspended. However, as this year marks the centenary of the foundation of the Royal British Legion, members of the congregation were invited to contribute to the Poppy Appeal as they left the church.